High School A Place Where...

May 03, 2005 22:11

People put together a strategy, the strategy of getting themselves where they want to go in life, and they look for the shortest and easiest way to get there. They are driven by power, love, greed, and popularity. Their whole goal in life is to be the best. They will do anything to acheive this goal... lie, cheat, steal, they will stoop to any level to make others feel more inferior. High School is a time of drama. Where nothing matters and anything that does is overlooked. The only thing that matters at this point are your friends, not where you are going to go for college, or what you will be when you grow up, because at this point you still have a lot more time before you grow up. Chances are that like the personalities most people have developed in high school, your plans will change... Eventually no body is going to care where you went to school, how much money you have, or what you do, because the only people that really care about you at all are the friends you have. Although on the path that most high schoolers take, the friends they could have had. One day these people are going to wake up and look into the eyes of another individual, and you will think, this person is the one for me. But who is to Judge that? How do you know that this was the person for you? How do you know it wasn't the person that you completely ignored because you were too busy. How do you know it wasnt the person that actually thought about you for years and years just waiting for you to make half a move in their direction, and to notice thire benevolence toward you. High school is a time of fads, where people feel out of place when they dont meet the standards of their peers. So they give in to the tempations of cliques that they are involved in. In my opinion everyone should stop trying to be the same, because then everyone would OBVIOUSLY be different, which in turn would make everyone the same. think about it... i think with this the problem that many people have with others of different background, which i will admit i have too, would disappear. Making this problem disappear would get rid of the battle that many kids have to be the most popular and the best. Nobody would ever be ignored and then maybe it would be possible that everyone would have an equal chance of finding the people that matter and they wouldnt have to stress out as much about trying to succeed in life, because the way i see it...at this point in our lives anything is possible, very cliche, but extremely true... and no matter what we thought we had done right in high school will change the fact that anything is possible. I have the exact same chance of being whatever i want as any one person has of being what they want, the difference is that i may have to work harder. I can blame this on the very fact that i just didnt work in high school, which in fact is quite untrue, i just have a different learning style then any person i have ever met. People think i use that fact as an excuse, but i believe it is a blessing, because my styles will lead me straight to goals and dreams that are right for me. I thank god every day that even though i receive a bunch of crap daily that i am a total failure and that if i continue the habbits that i have right now that i will go no where in life. But i want everyone to know, i know exactly where i want to go in life, and i am not sure if the road i am heading is going to take me there, but i have formed my strategy and i will do whatever i can to get myself to where i want to be, its time for me to stop being selfish and to start becoming who i was born to be.

Countdown: 3 months until i travel down a familiar road... only, not familiar to me... yet.
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