Jan 01, 2006 18:42
Well, it's a new year, and a new begining. How wonderful that would be if it were true. I feel like 2005 is too soon gone. It's too early to be January already. Well, on to some more old, but yet new news, my mouth hurts. I got my wisdom teeth extracted (scary word, i know) the 30th, and well, the procedure was nothing at all, i was really scared, but it turned out to be nothing big. The medication they gave me helps a lot, and I did swell up at first, but i kept the ice packs on my cheeks and it went down, but it has come back up, and now I kinda resemble a chip-munk. Cuuuute huh? Lol.. I only swelled on the bottom really, but the bad news is I start school again the 3rd, and well, I don't have to go to school if I don't feel like it, but I really don't wonna miss any days, so I would like to go if I can. But if I am swelled up like I am now, no way! Because Im just not going to deal with looks, and explaining thousands of times what happened, and how it was, and what went on, and so on... so.. yeah. I'm sleepy, and I really would like to get a little bit of sleep, but I swear, this new computer (Mac Mini) is addictive... the sound of the keys on the keyboard just make me wonna keep writing. It's crazy. So, I'm gonna go type some stuff somewhere else, since I am running out of things to talk about. Oh, and my meals have consisted of this:
Scrambled Eggs
Apple Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed up Greenbeans
Pumpkin Pie
and just today for breakfast I have moved up to eating little bites of Pancakes! Yum Yum!
i want yhoo to want me, im begging yhoo to beg me, i love yhoo to love me