Title: For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
iwantpieWords: 3232
Rating: R for language
Genre: Gen, angst
Characters: Dean
Warnings: Adult language. I gave it an R rating just to be safe because I dropped the f-bomb a few times.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and Kripke owns my soul.
Summary: Pre-series. A hangover and self-reflection do not mix.
A/N: Set
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The end is perfect. It's all sad and beautiful in the mean time.
I barely spell/grammar checked this so I hope there aren't a lot of mistakes! LOL
nope it's not. Not for me. I always understand guys better xd
you're welcome!
I don't know. I suck at grammar xd
In RL, guys still boggle me but that's because they aren't a tv show that I can study. LOL
I did a spell check but I always miss grammar somewhere. I didn't want to go over it again. LOL
aww well RL I don't even meet guys so yeah.
Just don't it's great that way!
Yeah, I'm a hermit in RL. Send me 10 years in the past. I knew a crap load of guys back then. :D
Me too. HAHAHA Send me 10 years in the past and oh god life was good then. I sound like an eledry now xd I had a RL at this time.
btw did you finally see the green aliens in the comment answer page?
Oh yes hope in the future and all the stuff. Ive always wondered why when we're young we want to be old and whe we're old we want to be young xd
Because we're stupid stupid stupid people. LOL I don't really want to be young. I just want to be social like I was when I was younger. LOL
Same, I just want to have a life outside my parents. Im tired to speak only to them. Not that people I know here don't coutn (you know you count a lot) but RL people are important too.
I know exactly what you mean. I need to make more of an effort to see my RL friends even though I love you and my other lj friends. *hugs*
I hear you! Apart I know no one RL pffft *hugs you back*
All my RL friends live 2 hours or more away. Kind of sucks.
Aww noes.. That's horrible :/
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