1-Age: 18
2-Gender: Here I'd like to insert something so deliciously witty as 'I have a vagina'. I pondered that for several hours and then I remembered I was a woman.
3- Pictures of yourself:
Yes, I am a skinny white girl who wears giant pseudoscene spectacles. I should tell you that I have genuinely poor eye sight, and I don't pretend to know French or some gay crap;
4-How did you find wtf_user_info2? Someone randomly mentioned it in _brighteyes. YES I CAN ADMIT THAT :'(
5-Why do you want in wtf_user_info2? Because you apparently share my irrational adoration of all that blinks. Colour barz R love lol
6-what is your biggest pet peeve regarding people in lj? Apart from the fact that it's largely populated by people who believe illiteracy is the new black, I have no real complaints. Except when somebody says something stupid and you refute their ridiculous comments with some utterly brilliant spiel, only to be shot down by the most water tight comeback ever; "WELL THAT'S YOUR OPINION".
7-How many blinkies are in your LJ bio? I have none, but I do type in caps a lot and also I have a picture of Oprah.
8-How do you feel about your LJ bio? It is useless and provides very little information. But there is a picture of Oprah, so it is probably the best bio ever invented.
9-What do you do in your spare time? I get drunk and fall asleep next to the water tank behind some guy's house because I was amazed by the very act of water being dispensed in a giant tank. I'm also a shit poor University student on the side.
10-What is your favorite porn site? Porn is boring unless it's ultra freaky should-be-illegal porn. So littlemidgets.com or something similar is where I'd visit, if ever. There was one other place but I even forget it. THAT'S HOW BORING PORN IS LOL
11-Why is it your favorite? Because I like to be the one to say, "Hey watch this video but try not to puke while you're doing it because I don't want puke on my monitor plz" That is pretty much it. I like sex, I just prefer active participation to voyeurism.
http://yourfork.livejournal.com/39748.html (the linking entry has been edited to friends only for personal reasons. if you really want to see it friend me or something haha)