3- Pictures of yourself:
Knowing Totoro gets me in to all the cool places.
4-How did you find wtf_user_info2?
Through the almighty goddess's
Michichu2's LJ
5-Why do you want in wtf_user_info2?
I need a good lolz ever since the man shut down cosplayfucks.
6-what is your biggest pet peeve regarding people in lj?
Those random idiots who come into your journal and post "PLEEZ JOIN MY NEW COMMUNITY 'HOES AND HOS'!!" You could post about your best friend dying and they'd still post. They are relentless!
7-How many blinkies are in your LJ bio?
Blinkie free! Although I do have two colour bars.
8-How do you feel about your LJ bio?
Meh. It gets its point across. Not that it has a point. But if it did it would get it across.
9-What do you do in your spare time?
Study. I have no free time anymore. And any free time I do have is spent sleeping and eating.
10-What is your favorite porn site?
Hmm, so many to choose from. I'd have to go with hentaigalaxy.com back when it was free.
11-Why is it your favorite?
My first porn site ever. It has a very special place close to my heart. That and it had that funny game where you could try to rape a girl. And there's always room for tentacle porn.
12-Post about us in your own journal and include the URL of your post.