1-Age: 23
2-Gender: Ubersexual
3- Pictures of yourself:
4-How did you find [info]wtf_user_info2? I found it kinda chewy, but the balances of spices was good and the meat had an excellent flavor.
5-Why do you want in [info]wtf_user_info2? I want to exchange recipes for unusual animals, I have one for doormice but I'd like one for squirrel and pigeon pie.
6-what is your biggest pet peeve regarding people in lj? The anorexics, there's not enough meat on them.
7-How many blinkies are in your LJ bio? None. I should fix that.
8-How do you feel about your LJ bio? At first I found her kinda cold and reserved but when I got talking to her I found out she was full of lulz, and she bakes a wicked chocolate possum brownie.
9-What do you do in your spare time? I eat, cook, research untracable poisons and nanotechnology, and build fully functional Apple Macs out of matchsticks.
10-What is your favorite porn site?
http://www.porkrind.com/ 11-Why is it your favorite? FOOD PORN.
12-Post about us in your own journal and include the URL of your post.