(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 12:03

1-Age: 45

2-Gender: Male

3- Pictures of yourself:

4-How did you find [info]wtf_user_info2? Someone grufiti'd it on the building where I squat.

5-Why do you want in [info]wtf_user_info2? i want to look at other peoples bad userinfo without finding it myself, i am a lazy homeless.

6-what is your biggest pet peeve regarding people in lj? They look down on me because I don't try to hide who I am.

7-How many blinkies are in your LJ bio? what's a blinkie?

8-How do you feel about your LJ bio? i wrote ti myself.

9-What do you do in your spare time? i dont relly have spare time i spend all my time trying to not die.

10-What is your favorite porn site? http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=dirty+tits&btnG=Search

11-Why is it your favorite? because it takes me to all the web sites that have dirty tits. its like the intnet is magic.

12-Post about us in your own journal and include the URL of your post. http://www.livejournal.com/users/a_hobo/1105.html

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