
Nov 10, 2018 12:08

So, what has happened since September? Let's find out! (spoiler: the answer is not much)

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[2018], [work] sheetz, nano 2018, new computer

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Comments 3

wretched November 10 2018, 17:32:07 UTC
shiny laptop *_* I feel like that with my Chromebook vs my Toshiba, the Chromebook is so light. When I pick up my Toshiba it feels weird now.

Good luck with Nano! It's been kicking my ass with this being my first year, but I'm determined :D I'm at 11k so far (and still due to finish in December according to the site lol).


ragnarok_08 November 11 2018, 05:16:26 UTC
Best of luck with Nano!


zoefruitcake November 11 2018, 07:39:20 UTC
Pretty shiny new toy! I keep telling mine it needs to behave as I can’t afford to replace it


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