I have other interests - I'm a magician.

Jul 02, 2009 12:55

; LOL MOAR NEW SHOWS. I'm downloading Hung. I honestly haven't heard much about it, but since it's on HBO, I keep reading about the ratings along with the ones for True Blood (show high, folks - 3.7m this week. That's fuckin' huge and something like 2m more than the pilot), and apparently it's the biggest premiere they've had in two years? But it sounds interesting and I was kind of intrigued about it anyway because I knew that Thomas Jane was in it (he was in Boogie Nights, so) but then I went to check it out and Jane Adams is in it, too. Aka the second Mrs Wilson, aka Mel in Frasier. And she's in like a billion other things like Eternal Sunshine and I like her a lot.

SO WHATEVS, it's almost done. I have zero expectations either way, so we'll see. It's a good thing it's summer, lol. Though if it wasn't, I probably wouldn't ever have downloaded this or Nurse Jackie and I wouldn't be keeping up with Weeds, probably.

; I just had waffles and the smell inexplicably reminds me of New York. I have never had waffles there, wth. Or been anywhere over there that serves them, I don't think?

I am now going to have a sandwich as well, because I'm fucking hungry. I've barely eaten today and I've been up for HOURS. IT'S TOO HOT TO SLEEP. Also I want one of the raspberry cupcake things we have. They're so fucking pretty. They have sprinkles on them, I may take a picture :)

; I got a phone call asking if I'd be interested in a job vacancy. It was like, the most random thing. she saw my CV blah blah, but she's just like "we have a vacancy, would you be interested?" umm, could you tell me what it is? What it pays? Where you are? It's fairly local but a bitch to get to, I still have no idea about the money. She sounded more nervous than I was, honestly. So I'm going to "meet them" tomorrow. I have no idea what the deal is, really. She didn't say "interview" so I'm not going to ~dress up~. It's fucking hot, I'm wearing a pretty skirt and flip flops or something. But she emailed me the address and she seems really nice. It might not come to anything, but I'm not entirely sure this isn't going to just be a pretty instant offer? I have no idea. Which would be great, but.

; I got a call yesterday as well. An agency (and I cannot EVEN tell you how nice they were. I was instantly at ease talking to this woman, and everything came out like I wanted it to and I was so excited) with a vacancy just outside of the city centre, right next to where my sister works. The pay is like £3000 a year more than my last job and it's the same kind of company and just sounds generally perfect. I'm supposed to be hearing back about that tomorrow or Monday, presumably about if they want to offer me an interview. If I DO get an interview, I'd have a good shot at getting it, I think. I have a kickass reference and I have relevant experience and I'm excited enough to come across well in an interview.

Then I have the agency I saw earlier this week as well and lol idk. It'll just suck if I get offered a job tomorrow and it's less money and more inconvenient to get to, then hear about this one after that. Because I'd have to hold off on giving them an answer for something that might not come to anything. But I can't not hold off, just in case. It's just a pain in the ass, and it might be that neither of them come to anything, but still. OH MY GOD, I'M IN A POSITION WHERE I COULD BE POTENTIALLY OFFERED TWO JOBS. CRY MOAR. LOLLLL

Watch me get neither. Just watch. Lmao. It is kind of nice though to be essentially sitting on my ass and having things come to me now. HA! It kind of makes any panic I had just cease. I'm pretty chill and/or bouncy this week.

; Lol forever @ Diablo Cody's tweet last night - "Kevin Jonas is engaged! Next: Nick Jonas gets engaged way better." Totes thought of Carlee. Also lol'd forever @ one of Paul Feig's - "I made a rowboat out of Cheerios and it sank. WTF??? Guess it'll just have to sit on the ocean floor with my Pop Tart tug boat. Stupid food." Totes thought of Liss. I LOVE Paul Feig's twitter so much. Hands down one of the most lolarious. I'm considering a top 5 Twitter Users list. Because I have nothing better to do with my time right now than watch an excess of television and bask in social networking. Don't let me get a Tumblr, you guys. I'm serious.

KAY, CUPCAKES TO EAT, TV TO WATCH. I'm thinking I'll also embark on a re-watch or The West Wing, Friends or Frasier. I change my mind about which one on a minute to minute basis.

I HOPE YOU'RE ALL ENJOYING THE SUNSHINE. AND HAVE AC. Unlike, idk, 90% of Great Britain. We just open windows here. It's not all that effective. Sometimes we have fans. My sister has a fan. I am this close to stealing that thing.

I want to be by water sfm right now. But I do not live near any, really. FAIL!

rl: work (or lack thereof), film: eternal sunshine, tv: hung, tv: the west wing, flist: lissie, tv: true blood, flist: carlee, site: twitter, tv: friends, failings: of england, film: boogie nights, misc: weather, tv: frasier

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