LOLLL, the extras on the House and Office DVDs this season are like, laughably bad. The Office commentaries, WHAT. Idk when exactly the detailed extras were announced and I probably missed it, but I was just looking at them and WOW they're bad. I get what they were trying to do by having random editors, caterers and assistant directors or whatever the fuck on there, but really? Who the hell wants to listen to that? Maybe I'm a bitch, but I like to hear the cast doing this shit together, I miss that. Looking forward to the Mindy, Paul and Stephen Merchant one, though. That should be fun.
AND LMAO, HOUSE. They put out a detailed press release about that, too. I will forever be bitter about them taking away the bloopers for the second year in a row and for ceasing to produce the Valley Girls takes, but really, Universal, really? David Foster talking about the medicine (and I'm fairly sure we've had stuff like this at least once before)? Just David & Katie talking about the 100th? I love them, I do. But I love the cast MOAR. And the anatomy of a teaser thing, WHY? I don't caaaare about the teasers. Casting? REALLY? REALLY? LOL FAIL. I really don't give a shit how they cast the POTW, sorry.
However, they get bonus points for the fact that it's still listing the cast as being on the commentaries. They better be. And it better not just be like, Omar on Emancipation or something, because then I'd basically have to take my own life. "Cast and crew commentaries" had better mean like, Hugh, Robert and Lisa are involved in some way at least. Or at least one of the three. I will hold off on breaking down and crying so long as at least Olivia is on one. The only extra other than that that I care about is Lisa's thing about Cuddy, though idk if it's likely to be anything especially new.
And we have a cover!
I love that they put Cuddy & Wilson either side of him, and they used a really fucking pretty picture of Lisa... though I question the decision to put Chase & Cam on the cover and not Taub, Thirteen and Kutner. I mean, are they still going to do this next season? And just put two of them on the back? Kinda mean, haha. Not sure how I feel about the general design of it, either. LOL WHINE WHINE WHINE. I like that they're keeping the same theme throughout, but the red and blue is pretty nasty.
WHATEVERRR, it's not like I buy House on DVD for the cover or even the extras, LMAO. I've had it pre-ordered since before I knew anything, ha. It's just nice when that stuff is bitchin' too. I wonder what the inside picture will be. I'm thinking the only cast shot they did, with the slogan t-shirts and sometimes randomly bare feet. I HOPE WE GET SOME GLORIOUS NEW PROMO SHOTS THIS YEAR. Cast wise. All of the Hugh ones last year were fantastic, but I want MOAR GROUP SHOTS.
In other news I mentally spent money on the Joy website and had an otherwise uneventful day. They have an "Interview Dress" on there! It's so pretty, OMG. Seriously,
it is actually called "Interview Dress", no lie. I also love
this and
this. Though there really isn't ever much decent shit on the website. All the best stuff is in the store, lol.
I was going to talk about family shit that enraged me as well as all of the super informative stuff in this post, but I care less now that I typed all that and I'm kinda hyper, so yay. Fuck it. My mum and Rachel are going to a BBQ now, so I think I'm gonna take a shower and then take advantage of the free living room for the evening. I am so psyched, you guys. Hope you're all having great weekends :) ♥
Edit: I'd just reply to her on Twitter but it a) sounds totally wrong and I can't convey what I actually mean in the character limit and b) my next tweet is my 200th and I kinda wanna save it. Meghan McCain. Because I don't talk about her excessively or anything;
I love people that tell me "I'm doing damage to the GOP", yeah cause Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Sen. Ensign, Gov Sanford and the entire Bush administration have nothing to do with the GOP's problems, no... it's my 5"1 ass in a push-up bra that's the real problem with the GOP...
LOL. I wanted to say that it's her 5"1 ass in a push up bra that's right with the GOP. She's the only Republican with any kind of exposure that I have ever agreed with on any major issue and the only one I've ever liked. That's no bad thing, as far as I'm concerned. It's hardly like if I could vote, I'd run out and vote Republican, lolllll, but y'know. It's nice all the same.