You know the ethics those guys have. It's like a notch below child molester

Jun 21, 2009 05:54

Stephen Moyer, you guys. Stephen fucking Moyer. He is the most ridiculously awesome guy, I cannot even. Like, he just exudes awesomness. It just oozes out of his pores or some shit, I don't even know. He is so cute and funny and he has a kind of dirty mouth in the most strangely charming and playful way. I want to do him. If he was with anyone less awesome than Anna, I would be distressed. But they are like, hands down my fave celeb couple right now. So it's okay.


They are all wonderful. And I find it fucking adorable that Sam Trammell stopped himself from saying "shit". In this totally casual way and he didn't break his flow, he just cut himself off. Is it just me though, or does Sam Trammell seem constantly bored? Lol. Edit: I just re-watched it and I'm not entirely sure that wasn't the editing. My bad.

And Rutina Wesley and Anna Paquin are adorable.

NEW EPISODE TONIIIIGHT. Lol Meghan McCain tweeted about it again, and also about getting ready to go out and showing some cleavage "I love the people replying "no, don't", people I don't live in pantsuits! I like to shake what my mama gave me once in a while!!". Her Twitter is adorable. I have no idea how unpopular this opinion is. I imagine very, whatever.

And SPEAKING OF. Lol @ the wank all over Twitter about the green overlay. No, green overlay will not ultimately do a great deal to help free Iran from tyranny, and I understand people not changing their icons. That's fine. But to have an issue with people deciding to change theirs to express an opinion or belief is, frankly, ignorant. Because that's ultimately what it's doing. What exactly is wrong with seeing the footage, reading the news articles, seeing the photos and being affected by that and switching your fucking icon. That's really something to bitch about, amirite? I'm aware of what's going on in a country other than my own and am saddened by it. Sorry? Instead of bitching about not getting why people are doing it, why not, idk, turn on the tv, open a newspaper, check out some websites? It's not hard to find out what's going on. I feel like that makes a hell of a lot more sense than sitting and wondering and blindly bitching about it when you ultimately have no idea what you're bitching about. If you want to bitch when you're more well informed, go ahead. Debate is healthy.

There's not a lot people can do, but there is nothing wrong with caring about it and doing what little you can to make people aware of the fact that this is happening. Because people should know what is happening. People knowing what's happening, this making headlines - it's important. And you know what, it does and will affect the West, too. And do I really need to talk about what happens when the media and people at large don't know what's happening in other countries, when major events are ignored? I'm not trying to be preachy here, I'm just bothered by the bitchy attitudes. Be as uninterested as you want, I just don't understand why it's apparently an improvement to insult the people who ARE interested. If you're not interested then don't be interested, there's no need to throw around insults, Christ.

No, I'm ultimately not going to make a difference by switching my icon, but I'm also not going to apologise for having a green icon to demonstrate my support, either. What the fuck. I couldn't do anything about the outcome of the US election, either. But I recognised it's importance on a global scale and I followed it and I cared. This is the exact same principle. Aaand yes the green overlay does raise awareness because my personal reaction to it was to find out more about why people were doing it and what's going on. So...

If anyone isn't informed and wants to be, then the BBC website is a good start, as well as two posts on ontd_political here (some history on Iran) & here (a timeline of the events).

For claritys sake; this is not aimed at anybody. I've seen plenty of bitching - largely from people I have never heard of. Just ~fyi~

person: meghan mccain, site: twitter, mood stuff: rant, spam: vids, politics: iran, fangirling: stephen moyer, tv: true blood

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