Today I;
→ Re-did my layout
iwant_sprinkles. I actually changed the whole thing for the first time in forever.
I kind of love it a lot, ngl. I've been fucking with it for days, lolll. But it started out with the Sally Jupiter image and then it just looked too plain with just her on there, and as much as I did love the shit out of Watchmen and her character, it just felt weird to have a layout dedicated to it. So then it just gradually became this multi-fandom layout (which I have not done in forever!) with this whole tongue in cheek OMG SEX!! theme, idek, haha. Olive ultimately did not fit. I tried it out and it was just too goofy and not all knowingly, eyebrow waggling-ly sexy like the rest of it. So.
This will, like all the layouts I do, probably look like hell in anything smaller than 1280x800. In which it looks perfect :/
Re-did my profile :D I am no more into Tina than usual, lol, I just really, really love that quote and very often develop that attitude and then fail at being wonderful and organised and well put together. And I felt that image fit the quote. There were no good caps or promos of LIZ that really fit AND would have looked good. So I went with Tina ♥ I'm also adding again now, what.
→ Slept in and when I woke up watched The Office, Parks & Recreation and 30 Rock.
The Office
I kinda liked it, but I don't really laugh at it like I used to? I don't know, I think it's lost a lot of it's edge in that sense, if I'm honest. I loved the Dwight and Andy stuff, though. I thought that was funny, and I enjoyed Ryan and Pam's bickering for the most part. It wore a little thin eventually, but I mostly liked it. I LOVED all of the phone calls sjgfsd "mom, I'm gonna have to call you back. P is being a B" I also loved Kelly because I always love Kelly and she is consistently hilarious. Love their office space, hee. The noise when the toilet flushes and them overhearing Toby.
I actually like the way it's going too, I think? It feels a little fresher but not as huge a departure as I expected. I thought that Pam's breakdown and Michael dealing with it was really sweet and I liked the little examination of Pam's patterns of behavior, with getting bored and then doing something too big.
The ONE thing that really bothers me about it is the logistics, I can't really shake it off. Where IS the money coming from? To pay all of their wages, to pay for the office space (though did they end up getting that for free? idk idk), the supplies themselves... I don't know, it just feels like a strange choice of storyline with the economy and all and I kind of wonder just how much the writers think about shit anymore. I feel like they're coasting. On an emotional level, a fair percentage of what they're doing works, but realistically it makes no sense. It's supposed to be a mockumentary and I don't know if I just got used to the format too much or if they're just not really caring anymore stylistically. It really struck me a couple of weeks ago that they had a scene in the bathroom like any other show - and Stephen Merchant apparently pulled them up on that stuff when he last directed. The fact that no, that compromises it. And then BAM, not long after that, there's this strange out-of-place bathroom scene. Seriously?
BUT WHATEVER, gripes aside I enjoyed it more than I have a lot of this season.
30 Rock
LOL LIZ'S OUTFIT. Awesome. My absolute favourite thing about this episode though, hands down, was Jenna and Tracy. I love them together so so much and I loved when they went to see Kenneth and he was all ~evil~ and jhdfdf "Kenneth? You know how you told Tracy to not go into your bedroom? Well naturally, we thought you were a serial killer, and as you can imagine; your bird is dead" Amazing. Also I really love Jane's new hair. I forgot to mention that last week.
Parks & Recreation
So people seemed to mostly hate it? III thought it was pretty good and that it has a lot of potential. The beginning with the tramp in the slide killed me, and I absolutely LOVED Leslie's travel pillow in response to her ~broken clavicle~, with the duct tape across the front, lolol. LOVED the stories of drunk Leslie and loved Tom not hitting on Anne.
I dunno, I love the cast, it's kind of insane and it has a potentially sweet and ridiculous ship. I really enjoyed and I was sad when it was over. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
→ Made french toast. I was clearly inspired by The Office.
→ Caught up on American Idol. I just need to see the results from this week, since they did not air yet. Fail.
→ Downloaded the first few episodes of Freaks & Geeks and Flight of the Concords. Apparently I'm on a new TV kick? I might watch those later :)
Yeah. That's all I got. Tomorrow I am going to actually shower and get dressed. Purely so that I can go to the shop and get mashed potatoes to sit and eat while I watch 30R with Rachel. I also want Dr Pepper or something because we have nothing interesting to drink D:
HOUSE CLIPS. I. AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS. Lol look at all this motherfucking ship drama, goddamn. I'm REALLY intrigued by in what way House was "wrong about Cameron" and I am even MORE intrigued by how Cuddy's going to respond to what House said at the end of their clip. Also! Clinic!! And seriously. Seriously. I cannot even tell you how many times I have watched and DIED OVER the Cuddy/Chase scene. They don't get to work together like, ever. FUN!
Also, there is SERIOUS Valley Girl potential this season, I really, really hope they've been doing that. GOD. The end of Unfaithful and Cuddy offering Cam her job and now we get Cuddy asking Cam if she's in love with House. It will be SUCH a waste if they don't turn that into a massive Valley Girl bitch fest. I'm not all that hopeful, but. It'd be bitchin'.