lilyrite I love you to pieces my little popsickle! My house buddy, my friend, you rock my world!
And we shall be DVD twins (i've totally decided we are doing the combined buy thing) and OMG we are the DVD's. We match and are beautiful and we are orange and blue we rock!
And OMG where would I be without you? I wouldn't be nearly as addicted to House, or know the truth depth of Lisa's awesomeness! There would be no Prison Break, and my collection of icons, would be considerably smaller.
*hugs tightly and never lets go* you can never leave me, you know that right? I will fiiiiiiiiiiiiiind you!
bethity Gemmagemmadoolahlay?! I'm not gonna sugarcoat it in anyway, and I'm gonna be blunt...I lobe you so freakin much I can't really describe it. But I shall try. For that is how much I lobe you.
Do you realise I havent known you six months? And yet out of everyone I know, family, friends, everyone, you are one of the only people who I can truly be myslef with, and pour my heart out to. If you knew how unbelievably rare it is for me to open to someone I havent known for years, then you'd know how special you are to me. In all honesty, I now count you as one of my best friends. From "real life" and the tinternet, you are truly one of the greatest people I've ever known.
I love your immense geekiness and obsessionism and your enthusiasm for everything, and most of all, how totally infectious it it. I could be having the worst day ever, and yet you and your awesome craziness fabness can always make me smile and cheer me up, and for that I lobe you even more.
I'm gonna stop now for fear of trivialising it, but know that I lobe you ickle smithereens, and I cant imagine, dont really want to either, imagine not knowing you and having you in my life. May the schmeeposity and the OGosity of you live on forever! Lobes you! x x x
stop_theworld Gemma, you are one of the most incredibly witty, passionate, artistic people I know, hands down. You make me laugh all the time with your spot-on comments about all the fandoms we share (you have EXCEPTIONAL taste in fandoms, I might point out) and with your stories and pretty much anything you say. I am so, so lucky to have found you. You taught me how to drive-by spam and you introduced me to new fandoms and music and most of all you're just incredibly fun to talk to. I wish we got a chance to talk more often. You make me wish I could live in England so I could find you and we could flail together. Basically, you utterly win at life. I love you to teeny bits. ♥
lissie_pissie I'd like to announce to the world now having experienced it firsthand, that Gemma is just as amazing in person as she is on here. There is nothing fake or exaggerated about her - she IS that smart. She IS that funny. She IS that caring. She IS that attentive. If you're reading this right now, you're a damn lucky person, and even more lucky if she calls you a friend. This girl is everything one could want and need in a friend, and there hasn't been a time where she hasn't been there for me. She is beautiful and talented, and one of the most thoughtful people I've ever had the pleasure to meet - online and otherwise. I plan on holding onto this one for a loooong time to come. I don't even know what to say, really. She is brilliant, fiercely independent, and a complete blast to be around.
forensicirulan Gemma, I don't know you really well but what I know is that:
- you have such good sense of humour that makes me fall off my chair every time I read your entries or comments
- you love Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie and watch House so you are COOL AS HELL.
- you make fabulous icons am jealous :P
- you have an amazing soul and are REALLY NICE
speakvowels Gemma is like an OMG EFJHERKJHK FANGIRL! Seriously her posts crack me up, she's such an amazing person & it really is a joy to get to know her. And when ever your feeling down she's always there to make you feel better. Gemma FTW ♥
elliejgirl Not only is Gemma an insanely talented icon-maker, wonderfully funny person and a lover of Teh Lisa, but 9 out of 10 doctors agree that being her friend lowers your blood pressure and choloesterol levels***. I don't know what's up with that 10th doctor. It must be Cameron.
*** In conjunction with a healthy diet.
forensic_angel I am proud to call Gemma my sister. She has a heart of gold, and so many people love her for it. She's funny, she's sweet, and she's perfect in every way.
miss_fancy I don't know Gemma well but her entries never cease to amuse me and she seems really really awesome & I'd love to get to know her better! ♥
a4lem Gemma, you're one of the nicest people I've met on LJ. Your entries are always fun to read and you always make my day a little brighter. I'd like to thank you for that by adding a testimonial. You're a great person and I'm glad we're friends! =D
memorylapses Best way for me to describe Gemma is ELJAY ROYALTY y'all. She's insanely talented and her posts never fail to bring the lolz, one of the wittiest and all around most brilliant people you can have on your flist
scullybabe626 Gemma, much like Angela Kinsey, is a sweet little ball of adorable. If life was a frosted cupcake, Gemma would be the sprinkles ;)
And I love her! ♥
uponastar08 Gemma is insane, obsessed, amusing, and fandom craziness at it's best. Her icons are fucking nuts, her spam posts are the most EPIC posts on Livejournal, and she will ALWAYS, ALWAYS bring a smile to your face!
loudxmusic Gemma, Gemma, Gemma. There are too many things wonderful about this girl. She is fucking hilarious, her posts always have me laughing out loud. She just has this dry and clever sense of humor that is so beyond funny, I don't even know how she does it. Gemma is one of the cheeriest and nicest people I know. Just the little things she says always put a smile on my face; she is very, very sweet. Gemma is also really smart and insightful. She knows what the fuck she's talking about, so you better just shut up and read what she has to say, because she has some really excellent thoughts on lots of different things. AND Gemma is one creative bitch. LIKE LIKE. I have you seen her graphics? BALLS. She is pretty much my favorite artist on LJ, and her creativity never ceases to amaze me. People should seriously consider themselves lucky to know Gemma, as she is a wonderful, witty, kind, talented, hilarious person who I am very very thankful to have in my life. ♥ ♥ ♥
paperrflowers Gemma. People who just see an icon maker and insane fangirl see really nothing but the surface of this girl. Yeah, she's adorable in her squees and she has the most insane out there comments and posts and everything about what she says and creates is addicting. Most definitely not going to lie about that; it's what first attracted me to be her friend. But having the privilege of being able to see her posts, read about her days and her life? You read things and you're amazed and know why she's that she's the way she is. Vibrant, happy, kind, genuine. Everything you'd want in a friend and Gemma has it all.
I love this girl to death.
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