Summer hiatuses are upon us. It is time to suck it up and struggle on through - and you know what alleviates the cravings? THAT'S RIGHT - NEW FANDOMS. Believe me, I should know. Last summer I had no money and thus no life. Plus England is so awesome that instead of sunshine and days in the park… We had severe country wide flooding due to spectacularly large volumes of rain. Outstanding. So I instead spent my summer picking up Brothers & Sisters, Dexter, The X-Files and Californication and re-watching The Office, which I had just picked up. AND HEY GUESS WHAT? SUMMER FLEW BY.
Do the smart thing, kids. Make YOUR summer disappear by absorbing new fandoms. And I will be here to provide them and lovingly guide/brainwash you. I’m a pro at this. There’s really no point in resisting.
House is one of those shows that when I watch it I think "GOD THIS IS THE FUNNEST THING EVAH" (and after this week? SERIOUSLY, WHY AREN’T YOU WATCHING IT ALREADY, it was like, the greatest 42mins of television OF MY LIFE) and feel like everyone else on the planet should get to experience it. I’m not gonna lie, a big part of it at this current moment in time is the ship - lol like it’s the only one. It’s not. There is a massive, massive fandom division. If you’re a House/Cameron shipper, you’d probably not be feeling it right now (and lemme tell ya - they’re not. Feeling it, I mean). Sure it has the most wanktastic fandom out there, but I think we’ve learned to stick to our own little corners. Basically, stick with my flist and you’re good. There’s serious flist overlap and camaraderie in this fandom, which is really nice ♥
ANYWAY. Here is an extensive explanation of why House is awesome. And some download links so that you seriously have no excuse at all.
Lisa Cuddy;
Oh, Cuddy. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I’m seriously going to try not to talk (well, type) too much in this thing, I’ll try my hardest to just spam and keep it concise. BUT ZSJHGDFSHGDF CUDDDYYYYY. SHE’S AMAZING, GUYS. SHE’S SO AMAZING. The best thing I can think of to describe her is something Lisa Edelstein said about her in a recent interview, and it is my fucking favourite thing she has ever said about Cuddy;
I think that she very much loves House and also lives vicariously through him because she’s a very smart woman who is very successful as a doctor and has a great job and a wonderful position, but also has had less and less to do with the actual practicing of medicine as the years have gone by, so I think she’s excited by what he does and how he does it and deeply frustrated by him at the same time. But as all intense people are, they’re incredibly interesting and compelling, and she definitely falls victim to that.
Ultimately (and to loosely steal House’s words) - Cuddy is smart, funny - and she has a zesty bod (and she possesses a perverse sense of guilt). YAY NOW LET’S HAVE PICTURES AND VIDEOS AND SHIT;
House & Cuddy have a disagreement about a patient (these happen a lot), at which point House suggests they see Stacy - hospital lawyer and House’s ex - about this;
When House lands Cuddy in a mess with some patients and tries to leave, she puts the smack down on him. Kind of literally. Rawr;
THEIR LOVE IS EPIC (and as yet unspoken but UNDENIABLE) and this ship practically has it’s own language. It certainly has a fuck load (what the hell kind of phrase is that, Gemma? I think I just like saying fuck a lot. Hmm) of… Terminology? IDK. J-Date, partypants, administrative need, do-me pumps, sprinkles included (which I kinda think is mostly my fault, MWAHAH, I rammed that the hell down everyone’s throats), sweetsauce, red thongs, handyman work, security lights, discipline, bondage. This ship co-ordinates in every way imaginable and they complement each other like practically no other.
I am going to tell a (half arsed) story in this section. Innovative.
This is House;
And this is Cuddy;
House and Cuddy are like, super hot. And once upon a time, they went to medical school together;
*artists impression of how this so totally must have been. No, I don't have anything better to do with my time at work and no I can't draw hands or feet. Or anything all that well. SHUT UP.
She also sorta saved his life this one time TWICE. This is all super complicated so you can find out more about it WHEN YOU WATCH IT. OMGYAY!;
AND HERE, AS A BONUS... IS THE SECOND TIME. It cuts out abruptly because I was NOT about to spoil what comes next. If you pick this up… You need to experience this episode as unspoiled as you can. It’s fucking epic. And not in that way we all use the word all the time - it is actually EPIC.
One day, Cuddy became Dean of Medicine at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital and hired House for reasons that they disagree on. Cuddy thinks it’s because he’s a super awesome doctor, but House knows it’s really because he’s a super awesome lay. He is a really great doctor, though. So this works out well for everyone involved.
Everybody always totally knew that they did the no pants dance;
But the bastards made us wait three years to confirm this;
Something you need to know about Cuddy - she is a God damn liar. OH OH THAT’S RIGHT. YOU DETER HIM WITH YOUR GIGGLE AND ASS SWAYING. That will put paid to any sexual fantasies he has about you. What’s that? You want examples of scenes which evidence the kink? Why, I am more than happy to oblige;
And I didn’t even include the stripping fantasy. Just know, that if you keep watching House? Cuddy will get her kit off. While conducting a differential diagnosis. It is the most awesome, kinky, hot, hilarious thing ever
A side effect of two-hot-people-who-had-sex-one-time working together and having known each other for like a billion years, is scenes like this, in which House totally works out that Cuddy wants babies (and is prolly offended that she never asked him to help L ) because he like, knows her menstrual cycle. Gregory House: Pays Attention To Things You Probably Don’t Really Want Him Paying Attention To. But it’s OK because he does it out of crazy jealous lurve;
Like him helping her out with fertility meds by giving her twice daily injections. In her ass;
Or her totally calling him on his crush;
And him giving her an unnecessary performance review;
Some misinformed people *cough*House/Cameron fans*cough* - will tell you that House/Cuddy was never supposed to be an OMG RIVAL SHIP. That they just randomly threw it in there at the end of season 2 with like, totally no build up. They are wrong.
Episode 2;
Episode 3;
Suck it.
Know what we’re NOT gonna cover here? OH RIGHT, all the high!drama. Yeah, they bring the lol and are made of sex and flirty fun. They’ll also pretty much tear your heart out and put it in a blender. Little fuckers. Oh, mid season 3. What a dark and depressing time that was. SO WORTH IT THOUGH. AMIRITE, GUYS-WHO-WATCH-HOUSE? There is some awesome deep drama-y stuff scattered all over that WON’T make you wanna throw yourself off a building, but it’s not stuff you’ll appreciate or understand if I threw isolated scenes at you. It’s really hard (twss) to sell them in isolated clips because it’s so complicated and layered and there is just SO much I could say about them. All the times she puts herself on the line for him, the sacrifices made, the nicknames, the history, the flirting, the secrets… Idk, I just think it’s a really amazing ship that you have to go through a lot with to understand completely.
Original Recipe Ducklings™;
Ehhh, I honestly aren’t all that invested in these guys but the fandom loves them and seems to seriously lament the fact that they’re hardly even in it anymore. I love Chase but Foreman and Cameron I can take or leave. STILL, here’s an example of them being awesome. By “them“ I mean Chase and Cameron. Honestly I couldn‘t think of any epic scenes of Foreman coolness…
Cameron tells Chase all about the biology of sex and why it is “unbelievably fun”. Chase/Cameron were once upon a time an awesome ship. The actors who play them were engaged and it was all cute and lovely. Then they split up and I honestly feel like it‘s damaged their scenes together tremendously. WHATEVER;
Clinic Duty;
A now sadly underused element of the show. Clinic duty is (was?) one of the main elements of the show that brings the lolz;
Wilson is House’s friend. I would say his BFF, which would be accurate technically, but he’s basically his ONLY friend. So. See, we’re onto the stuff now that I love but am able to not write essays on. LUCKY YOU GUYS. Wilson is pretty awesome, even if I kinda don’t like him sometimes and think he’s a preachy little wanker. But mostly I love him. When not trying to teach House a lesson (and failing), he is lotsa fun. He holds guitars for ransom and stuff. Season 4 Wilson is totes my favourite Wilson. BUT LETS HAVE LIKE, MY FAVOURITE WILSON SCENE EVAR. Wilson has been dosing House with anti-depressants (he thinks he’s depressed) - House thinks WILSON is depressed and taking anti-depressants… So he doses him right back to prove it. With amphetamines.
The day that episode aired, I just burst into giggle fits at random intervals at which I would remember the sheer brilliance.
This is pretty awesome also. I always forget how much I love the House/Wilson dynamic until they deliver something truly wonderful. ANYWAY, Wilson is staying with House and House plays a series of pranks on him. Which all culminates with this (no, there‘s no point at all in the shot of Cuddy. I left it in because she looks fucking pretty. You‘re welcome);
The Cast;
The cast are awesome. I’m just gonna link you to my
"WHY LISA EDELSTEIN IS AWESOME" spam. But that's almost a year old and there's stuff I didn't include. SO.
Season 3 bloopers;
Season 3 Valley Girls alternate take;
Some random pictures;
Useful Links;
house_md ||
house_episodes ||
house_cuddy ||
october_october ||
cuddelstein ||
houseicons WEBSITES:
Official Site ||
House on TWOP ||
Music Guide OTHER:
lissie_pissie's House videos ||
Season 3 House spam - this won’t make a great deal of sense if you’ve not seen it because it was requested by
miss_atom, thus is geared towards existing fans ;) You might wanna check it out anyway or go back once you’ve caught up with that season. Which you will. *Nods firmly*
Alternatively, you could skip the whole spam and just accept that I have awesome taste in TV *nods wisely* - OR if not willing at accept that? Accept that if you watch House, you will at very least be able to enjoy the benefit of understanding what the fuck I am talking about about 50% of the time :D
EDIT: As requested, this is now public so that you can link to it. I'd prefer if it was in a locked post, though. ALSO, you none-House watchers - read the comments. Because a large number of the people who I met THROUGH House left amazing comments either with points of their own or that display how really this is a wonderful, wonderful fandom to be a part of ♥
A basic icon batch using the caps from the picspams (locked post)