Or: A shocking Display of Nerdery and the Fact That Gemma Needs to Get a Life™
Angela (in accounting) is as beautiful as the Queen of England - she could be a model, or a college professor. Which can be intimidating to a lot of guys. And she's wonderful, but she makes him crazy. Dwight (from sales) is one of the most honourable and efficient employees that Dunder Mifflin has ever had. He just wants to be friends. Plus a little extra. Also he loves her. They are made of awesome, you guys. So yeah. I present you with, uh... This. I AM EMBARRASSED FOR MYSELF, SERIOUSLY. THIS IS ABSURDLY LONG (that's what she said). There is no way in hell that anyone is actually going to go through this. It's like, impossible. Plus, Firefox seems to hate the videos, so if you actually want to watch any of them, IE is the way to go. STRANGELY ENOUGH. But whatever, you can always just skim it or look at teh pictures or hell, skip it. I'm amazed it's actually not exceeding the post size limit tbh...
01. Because Dwight is individualistic
They're not like other characters and they don't operate like other ships. They're serious (and in love, dude) enough to make references to kids, they have belongings at each others houses and at least she has a key and has for a long time. He presumably has one too, based on Fun Run. They're everything a regular couple is... In secret. They don't compliment each other or flirt in regular ways, they don't have interests that fall in what's probably classed as "normal" - but the sentiments are all the same. That, in a nutshell, is why I love them so hard. They're cute and traditional but in a completely unconventional way, so they're never typical.
SEE, she wants him to go talk to her, just like any other girlfriend. Unfortunately, Dwight isn't like any other boyfriend and is busy being tricked into fake steering a boat;
Dwight's animal deserves a lot of loving. Most couples exchange house keys when they get serious. Most couples do not then compare their love for their significant other to the way in which one tames a wolf;
Angela is as beautiful as the Queen of England. AND THEY DANCE THE CUTEST DANCING EVER DANCED AND I DIE OF FLAIL;
Let's just reiterate how fucking cute they are in Phyllis' Wedding;
SERIOUSLY, GUYS. GOD. So fucking cute.
For the record I have never been involved with anyone in this office in any capacity - The Schrute family graveyard. On Schrute Farms. TELL ME YOU DON'T SEE IT. Because I totally do. But they'd probably have to have a Church wedding too…
02. They‘re both little fascists
She's his Lady Macbeth, HEE. They scheme and plot together, they love rules and discipline, they're spectacularly judgmental. THEY BRING THE LOLZ, BASICALLY. Honestly, that's one of the most appealing things about them for me. The fact that they're funny and incredibly sweet while managing to not be saccharine or angsty, really. Even when it all gets pretty heartbreaking, I'm not sure I'd call it "angst" because it's still funny. I CAN LOL THROUGH THE TEARS, haha. It's serious without being OMGSRSBZNS!!1!
Angela: Dwight, you should be running this office.
Dwight: Michael would never let me...
Angela: It's not up to Michael, it's Jan's call. Talk to her.
Dwight: I could never do that!
Angela: Fine! Sit back and do nothing and let us all get fired!
SO. SNEAKY. God, just look at her. She's kinda evil. I love that;
THE CONVICT DELETED SCENES. Angela is so fucking cute in these. SHE WEARS A COAT WITH A HOOD, DUDE. AND A SCARF. AND SHE IS GENERALLY AMAZING. And the part with the car near the end. They should form a little crime solving/fighting unit. It'd be the cutest thing ever;
03. Angela is turned on by absolute power
They. Are. So. Lusty. It blows my mind that people think that they don’t have sex at all. In the words of GOB Bluth - COME ON!! And in spite of Dwight's apparent confusion about female anatomy, I personally believe it's pretty awesome too. And kinky - of that I have no doubt. The fact that it's blatantly obvious aside, Rainn & Angela say so (in more instances than this). So there;
"I imagine they have a bit of a kinky thing going on since they both enjoy being yelled at. Angela loves that her man is a baron with a clipboard." - Umm, ignore the "they probably don't have sex" comment. Old article from before it was basically confirmed as fact.
Angela talks about The Negotiation and Angela's little crush on Roy. And I left in the thing about how she plays Angela Martin. Because I love it;
No-one is quite so turned on by rules and discipline as Dwight & Angela. They so kinky;
Angela asks around for people's accounts of Dwight defending Jim with his handily hidden away can of pepper spray. Ooh, that rhymed;
How many other ships make references to the way that sex was used for consolidation of power in Ancient Rome? NONE. Reason #8726354 that Dwangela rocks the house;
And they have the fucking BEST facial expressions here;
Can we just acknowledge the fact that for a great deal of their scenes together, Rainn & Angela can't even LOOK at each other. It makes the dynamic that much more impressive. I personally find it amazing that they can act together and make it really work under those circumstances, that they can maintain this dynamic, having this chemistry. GOD THEY'RE SO UNDER APPRECIATED, IT MAKES ME SO SAD;
04. Dwight loves his job "more than almost anything in the world"*
And he gave it up for Angela. Do the math. I love these episodes for a lot of reasons, I just think that they're incredibly solid and multi-faceted. There is SO much going on and the balance is phenomenal. But a great big reason for loving them so hard is that they were a big turning point ship wise - both in general and for me personally.
Dwight Kurt is Angela's Noelle's hero;
TRUE LOVE, you guys. TRUE. LOVE;
Dwight quits;
The "welcome back" handshake. GOD, THE HANDSHAKE. I die of flail every time, it is so, so , so gorgeous;
Seriously, now. LOOK at them. If that doesn't make you go all melty, then YOU HAVE NO SOUL;
*AKA: The Section In Which Gemma Covers Traveling Salesmen/The Return Extensively, Like the Self Indulgent Little Betch That She Is
05. Rainn & Angela
For me, there is a direct correlation between awesomeness of the actors and awesomeness of the ship. I love Jane Leeves & David-Hyde Pierce, Hugh Laurie & Lisa Edelstein (duh), Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny, Allison Janney & Richard Schiff... It helps when the actors are not only awesome, but into the pairing too, or if they interact well IRL. Which they really, really do.
You've all seen this, I'm sure. But I can't NOT put it in here. Because it's just so fucking awesome. Rainn & Angela interview each other;
Click to view
GOD I LOVE THIS. For the obvious, and for her FRICKIN' CUTE apology to Ed when she picks Dwight over Andy. And then the EVEN CUTER LITTLE KISS. CAN'T EVEN. She is too adorable. Ed is pretty damn adorable too, actually;
I'm like 110% sure that nobody could be on my flist and have escaped seeing these. They are like, my favourite pictures ever. Well, some of. BUT YAY LETS LOOK AT THEM NOW;
Rainn on why Dwight/Angela works;
OK THIS. I wanted on my iPod aaand I thought I may as well upload it too, since I knew at least one person who’d appreciate it;
3x03 - The Coup with commentary from Rainn Wilson, Angela Kinsey, John Krasinski & Rashida Jones AMAZING. They talk about Angela's not-so-pent-up sexual tension and Rainn does his Angela Impression ("HI, I'M ANGELA KINSEY. I'M IN A LAUNDROMAT. HOSTING THE OLYMPICS"). And she compares him to Brad Pitt. It is arguably the greatest commentary ever. They all quote Anchorman and everything. It has it all, dude.
Full season 2 blooper reel (mp4) Because I'm nice like that. And wanted it on my iPod.
06. He expected a hug
Mercy killing your girlfriend's cat is probably not the best idea. When your girlfriend is Angela, it's kinda just stupid. But he was trying to do what he thought was best… He thought wrong, but he did it out of love, people! But my point is, Dwight's not a bad guy. He's kind of a sweetie pie, actually.
OK, this mostly just kills me of lol. Dwight gives Angela Garbage. An enormous feral barn cat;
Honestly, though? He was a jerk. He may have done it with good intentions and believed he did the right thing, but that fact that he has NO regard for the fact that he really, really hurt her kinda pisses me off. By rights, he deserves everything he gets, and if I let myself think about it when watching Fun Run, her breaking up with him is SO justified, it makes SO much sense. AND LOOK, Andy is a sweetheart to her about it;
Even Michael knows Sprinkles' freaking name. Dwight is basically an ass to her.
Angela: Sprinkles never hurt a soul. God in your infinite wisdom how could you do this? She wasn't ready. She had so much left to accomplish…
Dwight: She's only a cat.
Angela: You never... you don't like them.
Dwight: Cats do not provide milk or wool or meat.
Like, dude, you might not understand why she's so upset about this, but she IS, OK? Cut her some frigging slack. So mean. So I get kinda mad at him. But then he stops shaving and gets all emo and cries a lot. And that breaks my heart so I forgive him like the sap that I am. I realise I am talking about these characters like they are real and are people in my life and that that is weird. I also don't care.
Also, can we just randomly throw this in here? Not at ALL Dwangela related, but it's one of my favourite scenes ever. It is perfect in so, so many ways. And it illustrates why Dwight is in fact a lovely guy, really;
Dwight: Who did this to you?! Where is he?
Pam: What? No, it's not... it's nothing.
Dwight: *Ties jacket around his waist* It's hot in here.
Pam: Yeah.
Dwight: Yeah.
*Dwight holds out a handkerchief for Pam. She takes it and he sits down*
Pam: Thanks. You don't need to stay here.
Dwight: I know. *Dwight tentatively puts his arm around Pam, who starts to cry again* ...So you're PMSing pretty bad, huh?
07. Angela really had a hold on him
He's freakin' lost without her, dude. HE STOPPED SHAVING. He sat and played You Give Love a Bad Name on his recorder while slumped against a dumpster. He stayed up at night wailing and clutching her little cherub figurine that he lied about not having… And he might be a sweetie pie, but he can also be really obnoxious and she kept him in line. Some of the time.
Angela hopes her mate is a strict disciplinarian like her father was;
NO. COOKIE. I... Have nothing further to say. I don't feel that would even be necessary;
Angela does not condone Dwight giving Michael his urine. Dwight knows this;
Dwight & Michael raid most of accounting;
OK, I'm lazy. You know this about me. This clip is on NBC.com. SO HAVE IT FROM THERE. Lol. Jim tries to help Dwight through the breakup. It is beautiful. Naturally this clip is mostly remembered for the Jim/Pam. Which I guess is fair, but still. WHATEVER THIS THING IS HUGE ALREADY SO I AM NOT GONNA GO INTO MY JIM/PAM ISSUES RIGHT NOW. Haha;
08. Deleted scenes
Kind of a lot of really amazingly awesome Dwangela stuff gets cut. This makes me sad. *Throws some at you*
Dwight questions Angela about her Halloween costume. Then uh, meows at her;
Dwight gives Angela a super important file. SO FRICKIN' CUTE. From The Convention;
MANHANDLING!! Oh this one kills me of win. From The Coup;
CUTE CUTE CUTE. And lolarious at the end with the Kelly/Ryan. From Diwali;
These... God. FAVOURITE FAVOURITE DELETED SCENES. FAVOURITE. Phyllis sits Angela next to a nice Christian vet at her wedding. Angela has to explain why she can't give him her number. It... It's incredible. I'm not even gonna say any more because the conclusion just kills me of lol so hard, I could not spoil that for ya;
ANGELA KEYS ANDY'S CAR. Very funny scene. But the car keying thingy is just badass, dude. So badass. She does it with such... IDEK! It's so smooth. And kinda hot, tbh. Don't judge me, plz. Just watch it. AND THEN YOU TELL ME THAT'S NOT HOT. And I'll tell you you're a fucking liar Malicious vandalism ftw;
They are so insanely crazily into each other. GOD, it's because they suppress the tiniest little things, they can’t give anything away (but they do. They're really not that stealthy). So then it all bubbles up and there's all this tension and one day they'll probably just lose it and make out in the middle of the office. Like in The Negotiation. Only, with people present. And then everyone will just have to leave. To be polite.
Let's look at The Negotiation kiss again. Just because. YAY GRATUITOUS OVERLONG PICSPAM;
LIKE OK, I love that it's just so... Clumsy? It's not this absurdly posed and perfect thing, it's just... IDEK! I love it all the more for the clumsyness, it makes it feel more human and genuine. Because I'm pretty sure that IRL, we don't all look like stars when we make out or whatever. It almost makes it hotter. While, as usual, STILL BEING FUNNY. THEY'RE AMAZING, YOU GUYS.
09. Little Things
AAARGH THIS SECTION COULD BE HUGE. There are so many things when I was going through all of this that KILL. ME. But they're so, so slight, and they're probably not the sort of thing that most people would appreciate. They're just subtle, personal things.
Like Angela being genuinely awed by Dwight's lessons on top soil;
Angela celebrating Dwight's victory on beach day;
Angela faking a sick day to go film Dwight's speech;
OK, other than the obvious, something I LOVE about this is the fact that, to me, it demonstrates how they would be the most awesome, nurturing, supportive parents EVER. They'd have an individual kid, but look at how Angela supports Dwight and all of his eccentricities. Look how much enthusiasm Dwight has for... Everything. And how proud they are of each other. They'd be so amazing. It'd just work. AND WHILE WE'RE ON PRIDE.
They are SO proud of each other. Be it Dwight beating the shit out of a piñata, rolling an eight (even though he's gambling) giving a lecture on top-soil, to just... Angela. They beam with pride. Dwight kissing Angela in celebration when he rolls the eight is like a little claim on her, almost. Like in the moment he forgets that they're a big secret and that's instinctively how he wanted to celebrate. So cute. And then things like "no, she's wonderful. But she makes me crazy" kjhsdkfjshgdf!! EXCUSE ME WHILE I DIE OF CUTE. Like, I get the impression that Dwight would love nothing more than to tell the world that he's in love with Angela. But he respects her privacy anyway - he always puts her first and her opinion and feelings are his top priority. He'd give up everything before he'd let her down.
AND LOOK. AT. HIS FACE. IN THIS CLIP. HE IS SO PROUD OF HER. Like, how he looks around the room. This scene blows my mind. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT SEE? As in, in the show. How don't they get it? It is a mystery to me;
On the other hand, they do pick up on it from time to time, and I get the feeling that they will be in no way surprised when it DOES inevitably come out about them;
Dwight: Kevin, what prescription drugs are you taking, besides Rogaine?
Kevin: I'm not taking Rogaine.
Dwight: Angela, what about you?
Angela: I don't take any prescription drugs.
Dwight: You're not on anything?
Angela: *Glares*
Dwight: *is relieved* Good.
And then on the subject of Little Things™, I hate myself for finding this so cute. Look how she taps her leg at the end of the jingle. GUH. So adorable. *Slaps self*;
10. Leftover Stuffs
This is stuff that kiiinda didn't live in a category and I wanted 10 so I wasn't about to keep on making more, HA. I wanted this to be at least semi-concise. But I really wanted to include these;
Angela smashes up some baubles in a jealous rage. And screams. And stops around on them. It is awesome for approximately eight billion reasons;
THE BIRKS. *Sighs happily* they have matchy shoes, guys. MATCHY SHOES. How many other ships EVER knocked Birks? NONE, THAT’S HOW MANY. They’re so adorable and stuff. AND SHE BOUGHT HIM A CANDY BAR. They kill me;
Gratuitous "Look How Effin' Cute Angela was in Beach Games" Picspam™. She was SO cute, OMG. Like look at her with her faux innocence watching Andy float away. In her little hat. And with her scrunchy little nose when she's whining about lack of vegetarian options. She is the cutest. Fact;
Andy: *Falls in lake* Help! Angela! Angela, hey! Oh, thank God! Please tell somebody!
Angela: What, Andy? Andy, what should I tell them?
Andy: Go tell them I'm floating away, obviously!
Angela: I don't understand what you want from me.
Andy: Angela, it's pretty simple! Look at what I'm doing and go tell somebody about it! (I die of lol at this every fucking time. It is phenomenal. I mouth this scene with them and everything. I'm suck a dork)
Angela: Sorry! Bye, Andy!
Andy: Angela!
Because she still loves him ♥;
azuremonkey -
MonkeyA drabble WITH MOSE. That explains the origins of the "Monkey" pet name ♥
scullybabe626 -
PureeAbsolutely adorable. Again, a drabble. Because frankly, there's not a lot of fic for these guys, so most of what I love came out of
nobodysbizathon. But even though it's short, it just stuck with me. Too, too beautiful
azuremonkey - For Her Honour
pt1 //
pt2Dwight and Andy fight - in armour. The end is a thousand kinds of cute.
scullybabe626 -
Giving InAaaand another drabble. Seriously, you could just read
ALL of the drabbles there. They're all pretty damn awesome. But fic about Angela's stature and Dwight being her gallant gentleman? A++++++
girlie_girl_23 -
Operation Secret SantaJim & Pam do some match making. I asked Tiff for this at Christmas and she did a fucking beautiful job ♥
cah215 -
EcclesiastesAbsolutely. Beautiful ♥
Cousin Mose -
Even Caesar Had His Bad DaysFunny, insanely in character... And hot. DON'T JUDGE ME. I am aware it's probably not supposed to be. I don't care.
Never before has the term TL;DR so perfectly applied. BUT I DON'T CAAAARE. Putting that together was fucking fun ♥