Three Month Challenge: The Great Potter

Aug 28, 2012 22:22

This is my seventh piece for the_playwitch Three Month Challenge.

Title: The Great Potter
Prompt: Fortune Teller ( Prompt Table)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): James/Lily
Genre: Fluff
When: Marauders Era
Word Count: 768
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Lily thought taking N.E.W.T.S. level Divination would be a Marauder-free class....she was wrong.

The Great Potter

Lily Evans resisted the urge to skip as she made her way to North Tower. For the first time in six years, she would have a Marauder-free class and it made her happy.

She knew without a doubt that even if one of the Marauders had managed to receive an E in their Divination O.W.L.s, none of them would have continued the subject they despised so much.

Truthfully, she disliked the subject as much as they did, but the thought of having an hour a day without James Potter constantly around was too good to pass up.

Reaching the trap door, she made her way up to Professor Featherhill’s classroom.

The small classroom was empty when she entered, just as she knew it would be. She had left lunch several minutes earlier than her other classmates in hopes of claiming a seat next to a window.

Taking a seat, she took her textbook out of her bag and opened it up.

She was engrossed in her reading that she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until the voice she knew all too well said her name.

She whimpered behind her book before pulling it away from her face and meeting the all too happy eyes of James Potter.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him. “I thought you hated Divination.”

“You wound me,” he said. “Divination happens to be one of my favorite classes.”

“But you make everything up,” she stated.

“I certainly do not,” he replied, affronted. “I happen to be a gifted fortune teller -”

“Seer,” she corrected.

“That, too,” he said.  “Give me your hand.”

“Excuse me?”

“Give me your hand. I’m going to prove to you that I know what I’m doing.”

Cautiously, Lily held her hand out and he cradled it in one hand while the other hand’s fingers traced the lines on her palm.

“Hmm, interesting,” he said after a moment.  “Very interesting.”

“What’s interesting?” She asked.

“It’s all right here,” he said.  “As plain as the huge nose on Snape’s face.”

“Potter,” she warned. She tried to pull her hand away but he held on tightly.

“Give me a second,” he said.  “It’s almost clear to me now.” He caressed her hand with his. “Yes, I can see it clearly now.”

“You’re supposed to be reading my palm,” she scoffed. “Not studying a crystal ball.”

“Hush, don’t question my abilities,” he told her.  “Yes, I most certainly see you, but who are you with?” His eyes closed tightly.  “Ah yes, I can see him now. He’s tall, definitely strong, works out a lot and what’s that?” His eyebrows rose. “You are going to be one lucky witch because this bloke has one large -”

“Imagination?” An aged voice suggested.

Lily tore her eyes from James’ face and couldn’t fight the blush that rose to her face when she realized that in addition to Professor Featherhill, the rest of her classmates had entered the room without her being aware of it.

“Uh thanks, Professor,” James said.

“You have a wonderful imagination, Mr. Potter,” Professor Featherhill said. “But you are in N.E.W.T. level Divination now and you must not rely on your creativity to get your through the next two years.”

Lily smirked at James’ telling off.

“However, you might be correct about something, Mr. Potter,” the professor spoke.  “In my crystal gazing I have seen the backs of two people, a woman with long, ginger hair and a man with short, messy, black hair standing waiting to board a white train.”

Lily followed the professor’s eyes and realized that her hand was still resting in James’. She quickly snatched it away and stuffed it in the pocket of her black robes.

Professor Featherhill smiled before turning to address the rest of the class.

As the professor talked, Lily chanced a glance at James and saw him wearing a serious face. He didn’t think that Professor Featherhill was talking about them, did he? It had to be a coincident. The white trained proved that; after all, who in their right mind would build a white train?

When he turned his head slightly, their eyes met and she felt a shiver race down her spine. The feeling was new and scary, but it took everything in her to pull her eyes away from his.

Instead of turning her attention to the professor, her eyes strayed to his hand that rested on the small table between them and a whole different set of sparks flooded her body as her imagination took up where he’d left off.

Long fingers.

Big hand.

Big feet.


…mini James.

rated: t/pg13, for: the_playwitch, char: james, challenges, when: marauders era, char: lily, series: playwitch 3 month challenge, pairing: james & lily, genre: fluff

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