Three Month Challenge: The Beast Within

Aug 18, 2012 21:39

This is my sixth piece for the_playwitch's Three Month Challenge.

Title: The Beast Within
Prompt: Werewolf Expert ( Prompt Table)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Bill/Fleur
Genre: Smut
When: Post Half-Blood Prince, Pre Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 737
Warnings: sex scene
Summary: Following his attack, Fleur is the only one who still sees Bill as the man he was before.

The Beast Within

He sat in his old bedroom at the Burrow, the curtains pulled down to block out the early summer sun. He was happy to be home; happy to be away from all the poking and prodding of the Healers at St. Mungos.

He wished Madam Pomfrey would have released him to the care of his mum and Fleur, but since his case was so rare, she had nursed him through the gravest parts, when they weren’t sure if he’d live, before having him transferred to St. Mungos.

Werewolf experts from all over the magical world flocked to St. Mungos upon hearing about him being bitten by an untransformed werewolf. They all wanted to study him; some even offered him gold in exchange, but he said no to all of them.

He was a man. He was not a beast to be studied. He wanted them all to go back to their homes and leave him alone.

Almost worse than the fascination he saw in the eyes of the experts was the pity he saw in the eyes of his family and friends. His mum was babying him and the others were always offering to do things for him.

He didn’t want their pity. He was exactly the same person he’d been before the attack, save for the scars on his face and neck.

Fleur saw the real him, though. She had been his angel through everything at St. Mungos and here at the Burrow. She refused to let him lock himself away; refused to push the wedding back another year so people would forget about the attack.

He owed his positive mental state to her. He’d been ready to give up following the first tests at St. Mungos when the Healers had informed him that they wouldn’t let him leave until the next full moon, at which time he would be forced to stay in one of the protective cells in the hospital’s basement, but then she had arrived and they had had sex for the first time in weeks.

She had helped reawaken a part of him that had laid dormant since the attack; making him feel strong and manly again. A bit of the monster inside of him had stirred as well and they weren’t sure if her Veela blood had anything to do with it or not, but their sex had been better than it had ever been. Their orgasms had been more powerful and longer than ever.

In the days that lead up to the full moon, he and Fleur had sex several times, but he didn’t tell the experts about what they experienced. As far as he was concerned, that was just for him and Fleur.

The full moon came and went without any transformation, a relief to his worst fears, and he was released to go home. He had planned on going to his apartment in London, but his mum wouldn’t hear of it.

The only upside to being back home was that Fleur was already staying there. He had moved her out of London following a series of attacks in Diagon Alley in March. Of course, the downside to them both being under his parents’ roof was that their opportunities to be alone were slim to none.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his door opening. He looked up and smiled when he saw Fleur tip toe into his room. She locked the door behind her and then came to his bed.

“We are alone,” she told him.

They undressed quickly, not wanting to waste a single moment. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed and her delicate hands massaged his manhood until he was hard.

Stepping back, he lifted her up and into the middle of the bed with ease before positioning himself between her legs. Leaning down, he possessively took control of her mouth with his own, kissing her until they were both breathless.

Barely recovered from the kiss, his eyes locked with hers and he positioned his manhood against her entrance and then pushed into her. With every thrust of his hips, the beast part of him awoke. He growled as he grew closer and closer to his release, bringing Fleur to orgasm twice before his slammed into her one more time, filling her with his seed.

Exhausted, he slumped against her and sighed contently as her arms wrapped around his middle.

char: fleur, for: the_playwitch, challenges, type: short, series: playwitch 3 month challenge, when: half-blood prince, rated: nc-17, genre: smut, pairing: bill & fleur, char: bill

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