Title: Predictable
Word: #022 - Habits (
Prompt Table)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Genre: Fluff
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 100
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Notes: Ron can tell if Hermione is in the mood for sex just by what she wears to bed.
Hermione's Moods
After a year of marriage, Ron could tell if Hermione was in the mood for sex just by what she wore to bed.
If she wasn’t, she’d wear pajama pants (or shorts) and a matching button top.
If she was open to the idea, she’d wear a conservative nightdress or one of his shirts, letting him decide if they were going to do it or not.
If she was in the mood, she’d wear a sexy nightdress or just her bra and knickers. Then she would jump him.
And sometimes, she’d wear nothing at all. He liked those nights best.