100 Themes: Music to His Ears

Mar 23, 2012 22:54

If it hadn't been for the 5 inches of snow that we got and the resulting 15 hours without power this drabble would have been posted yesterday... oh well... better late than never, right?

Title: Music to His Ears
Word: #061 - Scream ( Prompt Table)
Rating: M
Pairing: Fred/Luna
Genre: Smut, Fluff
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Smut
Summary/Notes: Fred loves making Luna scream

Music to His Ears

Luna never raised her voice at him; not even when he forgot their anniversary.

The only time he could make her scream was during sex.

Fred made it his personal goal every time they were together to get her to scream at least five times.

Her screams were music to his ears: expressing her pleasure, love, and absolute sexiness.

She was always a sight to behold when she came: hair laying every which way, breasts heaving, eyes shut, mouth open, scream echoing, toes curled, sex convulsing around whichever part of him had brought on her release.

There was nothing better.

when: post deathly hallows, char: luna, rated: r, pairing: misc, series: 100 themes, char: fred, genre: smut, type: drabble, genre: fluff

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