Christmas Drabbles: December 23rd

Dec 23, 2011 21:14

Happy Eve of Christmas Eve! Enjoy today's story!

Title: Perfect Fit
Rating: PG
Starring: Harry & Ginny family
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 283
Summary/Notes: A glimpse into the Potter-Lupin-Tonks family. Takes place the same year as the epilogue.
Series Link: Masterpost

“They’re here! They’re here!”

Harry leapt out of the way as Lily raced past him to open the front door to let Teddy, Victoire and Andromeda into the house.

A smile spread across his face as he watched his daughter leap into the arms of Teddy, who was like an older brother to her.

“Can I take your coats?” Harry asked his niece and Teddy’s grandmother.

“Thanks, Uncle Harry,” Victoire replied, slipping her coat off. She waited for Andromeda to take hers off then handed both coats to Harry.

It was a bit odd to have his niece at what had become a Potter-Lupin-Tonks tradition to get together on Christmas Eve, but it was clear to everyone that she and Teddy were in love.

After putting the coats in the guestroom in the hall, Harry paused in the door way of the sitting room. Teddy’s arrival had pulled James and Albus out of their rooms and now all four of his kids and Victoire were playing a lively gave of exploding snaps.

Lily sat between Teddy and Victoire, loving the attention she was getting from her oldest brother and oldest cousin.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Ginny said, appearing at his side. “Those three can’t be in the same room with each other without fighting, but as soon as Teddy shows up, they are polite children.”

“He is the piece of the puzzle that makes our family perfect,” Harry stated, his eyes watering a bit.

“That he is,” Ginny smiled. “Now, since Andromeda kicked me out of my own kitchen, let’s go show our children and niece how to really play exploding snaps.”

They entered the sitting room and joined the circle on the floor.

when: post deathly hallows, pairing: harry & ginny, char: ginny, char: harry, rated: pg, char: james sirius, char: lily luna, type: drabble, series: christmas drabbles 2011, char: albus

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