This story is a bit on the sad side... but I think it captures everything they were both feeling.
Title: Together Forever
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin & Tonks
When: Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 118
Summary/Notes: Lupin and Tonks’ last Christmas together.
Series Link:
Masterpost They sat in the sitting room of her parents’ home on Christmas Eve, starring at that roaring fire.
“It will be better next year,” she said. “The baby will be here and dad and Harry.”
He nodded in agreement, despite the uneasiness that settled in his stomach. There was no guarantee that any of them would see the next year or the year after; not with Voldemort still out there. He wasn’t going to tell her that though.
“Oh! The baby kicked!”
She grabbed his hand and placed in on her swollen belly.
A smile slid across his face as the baby kicked again.
“We’ll get through this, Remus,” she whispered, snuggling against him. “We’ll be together forever.”