Christmas Drabbles: December 3rd

Dec 03, 2011 23:59

We're going to pretend I got this posted on the 3rd.... it's officially the 4th (has been for 9 minutes) but oh well. Better late than never though, right? It took me a lot longer to write this drabble because I wanted it to be a positive Ron/Lavender story... which is hard for the Ron/Hermione shipper in me.  But I finally managed it and I like it and I hope you all do too.  So enjoy!

Title: Extra Time
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ron & Lavender
When: Half-Blood Prince
Word Count: 100
Summary/Notes: Lavender keeps trying to guess what Ron got her for Christmas, so he does the one thing he knows will shut her up: snogging.
Series Link: Masterpost

The goodbye snogging started the night before the train left for London.

It wasn’t any different from their normal snogging, but it kept her mouth busy so she couldn’t continue to try and guess what he had gotten her for Christmas.

The guesses she managed to get out were all wrong. Of course, for one of them to be right, it would have required him to have actually purchased her a present.

He had five days to buy her something or maybe he’d have his mum buy something for her.

Nevertheless, the snogging had bought him the time he needed.

rated: pg, char: ron, pairing: ron & lavender, char: lavender, when: half-blood prince, type: drabble, series: christmas drabbles 2011

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