Masterpost: Challenges/Fests

Nov 19, 2011 20:34

Below the cut is a list of all the challenges and fest that I've taken part in.

Deflower Draco - deflower_dracoD/Hr Advent - dhr_adventDramione Drabbles - dramionedrabble
  • Valentine's Challenge 2012: Masterlist of all the drabbles I wrote
Dramione Duets - dramione_duetFor the Love of Harry Potter - fortheloveofhpHarry & Ginny Seasons Fest - hg_seasonsfestHP Drizzle - hp_drizzleHP Get Lucky - hp_getluckyHP Hump Day Drabbles - hp_humpdrabbles
  • Humpathon 2011: Masterlist of all the drabbles I wrote and the prompts I submitted
  • Hump Madness 2012: The Suit ( original post) - Ron/Hermione, R
  • Weekly Hump Drabbles: Masterlist of all the drabbles I've submitted for the weekly prompts
  • Humpathon 2012: Masterlist of all the drabbles I wrote and the prompts I submitted
  • Humpfest 2013: Masterlist of all the drabbles I wrote and stories written for me
HP Porn in the Sun - hp_porninthesunThe HP Valentine's Day Het Fic & Art Exchange - wizard_loveInterhouse Fest - interhouse_festJily Secret Santa - Tumblr.Next Gen Fest - hp_nextgen_festNext Gen Winter Fest - nextgen_mas
Otter and Ferret - dreamwidthThe Playwitch - the_playwitchR & Hr Smut - rhrsmutR/Hr Love - rhr_loveRare Pair Shorts - rarepair_shortsSamhain Smut - samhain_smutScorpius/Rose Fic Fest - smrw_ficafestSmutty Claus - smutty_claus

!masterpost, challenges

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