Mar 28, 2007 00:22
i honestly give up. there's no point, really.
we won't be anything more than just sort of friends, not real friends of course.
which is fine; you seem too moody for my tastes.
that still doesn't help me with the fact that you can't seem to be figured out.
some of the things you do and the things you say are unexpected and surprisingly nice that no wonder it's been hard to not be half in love with you.
i seem to be reverting back to the way i was when i was 14/15.
how did i get to be so shy and self-conscious all over again?
like the last three years of my life were a complete waste of time and energy.
so basically, i just need to have sex and get it over with.
that's what this whole thing has been leading up to.
unfortunately i probably won't be able to. because for some reason, although i will probably never date anyone ever again or get married, i hold onto the misguided idea that i should have sex with someone i care about or am otherwise involved with.
the end.