I'm stealing this from
imthenewguy and
hadtimeofmylife and adapting it for Santana. Because I'm bored and I can. :P
Day 1 - favorite screencaps
I absolutely adored "Songbird", and seeing this raw emotion, how much she loves Brittany, just gets me every time. ♥
I couldn't resist throwing in a couple Brittana-ish shots. I loved, loved, loved them in their scene in Rocky Horror. They were just so cute together! I'll still watch that episode when it's on JUST for this.
Simpler emotion here. Kind of a "you're weird, but I love you" look, when Brittany talks about heart attacks being from loving too much. Clearly, I'm a fan of Santana's softer side. :P
And in an attempt to grab her bitchier side, I give you her reaction to Puck singing "Sweet Caroline" to Rachel. Pissed off would be an understatement, but the scowl makes me laugh.
Day 2 - favorite candid pictures
Day 3 - favorite gif
Day 4 - favorite episode
Day 5 - favorite relationship (canon)
Day 6 - favorite relationship (fanon)
Day 7 - favorite kiss
Day 8 - favorite friendship
Day 9 - favorite scene with each character
Day 10 - favorite solo
Day 11 - favorite duet
Day 12 - favorite group performance
Day 13 - favorite non-Glee performance
Day 14 - favorite quote
Day 15 - favorite solo scene
Day 16 - favorite live performance from the “Glee Tour Live 2011”
Day 17 - favorite “Glee” behind the scenes video
Day 18 - a scene that made you laugh
Day 19 - a scene that made you cry
Day 20 - favorite outfit
Day 21 - favorite hairstyle
Day 22 - favorite moment
Day 23 - When my love for Santana started
Day 24 - When my love for Naya started
Day 25 - Santana Lopez is my favorite character because...