Aug 27, 2007 13:46

There's a new Elizabeth I movie coming out in October!!! (along with a bunch of movies that really look good, but that's another post.)

It's called Elizabeth:  The Golden Age, and starts Cate Blanchett as Her Majesty, Geoffrey Rush as Sir Francis Walsingham, and (squee again!!) Clive Owen as Sir Walter Raleigh....yummy, yummy Clive. :)

For those who don't know, my major in college was medieval & renaissance history, with emphasis on the Tudors, and especially Elizabeth, so I was quite excited about the first movie, until I saw it.  It was quite a disappointment that it was so unhistorical - personalities changed for no reason, insignificant people given tons of importance, and worst of all, concocting a horrible plot based on a small incident when they had a much better plot staring them in the face!  The plot for the new one doesn't seem to be any different - "yeah yeah, the Spanish Armada is going to invade, but more importantly,  what's going on with the Queen and Sir Walter?"  Oh please!  Not to mention the usual Hollywood-izing of history means they've moved things around in time so that things that happened 15 years apart happen concurrently!  I hate that.

But the costumes will be gorgeous, as will Clive Owen (have I mentioned I'd leave Bruce in a heartbeat for him?:) ), and the acting will be superb, despite what they've done to history.  I'll go see it - and leave my inner historian at the door.

queen elizabeth

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