Well, the eyes are better, though still not 100%. As I knew they would, they put me back on steroids, but a lower dose than in the past, and a fairly quick tapering off them. Good in the "doesn't make me CRAZY" kind of way, bad in the "this is taking too long" way....but in thinking about it now, I think I'm going to have to go with being glad I'm not all cracked out on steroids. There is just nothing worse than KNOWING the reason you're hysterically sobbing/screaming is because of drugs you have to take to see.
Oh, there is one new medication joy - they've increased one of the 3 meds I take; I only take it once a week, and they've only upped it 5 mg. Ok, fine, no big. But instead of a couple more pills once a week, I now have to INJECT myself with the drug. I won't go into details to spare the needle-squeamish among my readers :), but it's flat weird, to say the least. I did it for the first time last night, and it turned out to be fine, even easy, but weird. And I'll be pointing out to the Casey docs when I go back that those needles are thankfully small, but HARD TO READ WHEN YOU'RE GOING BLIND!!! The markings on a tiny needle are (say it with me) TINY!! Bah on this whole deal, I'm telling ya.
Charlie Brown takes stage Sunday, and I think we're ready for it. We're already running the whole show, it's all blocked and choreographed, and now we just repeat, repeat, repeat! The band sounds wonderful (yes you do,
ccprince!) and things are going quite well. Now I just have to learn my lines - who knew there was dialogue in a musical? :)
Ok, hands please - who got snow today? Cause I didn't see any, and it's not cause I can't see it! This weather is so strange - if someone sees 4 Horsemen, let me know so I can hide, thanks.