Meme interference by Buffy

Jan 08, 2007 16:24

I tried to do the meme
penitence69  posted about Googling yourself with "your name needs" and seeing what comes up.

Unfortunately, they named a major character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer after me (ok, after one of the casting associates, but it's my name too!), so almost everything that comes up are things like "Anya needs a different perspective on romantic relationships than she's gotten from one thousand years as a vengeance demon" or "It seems that Anya needs some wiccan help for a spell to retrieve her necklace"

However, there are a couple disturbing "needs":  "Anya needs urgent treatment: chemotherapy and operation" and "Anya needs major bowel surgery to remove half of her colon".


But this is my favorite "need":  "Anya needs to learn to modulate her shrill voice".

Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I'd heard that.....I wouldn't have any nickels, I guess....

P.S. the change in font because of the cutting and pasting bugs me, but I can't figure out how to fix it.  Bah.


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