Jan 28, 2005 17:36
well my bad i havent written in this hoe fo this whole week but das cuz i was sick wit strepp throat an shit so i was like incapacitated so fuk updatin a journal! i was fuckin dying! sheet! well im pretty excited for this weekend cuz we gotz a telly planned an i feel like i wanna soda pop homies! if u dunno wtf that means den i guess it sux to be you, but its pretty dam explanatory so fuk ya'll! today was pretty wack, we jus rehearsed for senior lunchin which is on wed. of next week but this shit SUX today we made some shit funny hopefully the fuckin seniors laugh, or imma feel like a fool wit all the other kids doin dis shit i think the funniest thing today was when my bro asked for some skittles an i tol him to beat diaz's ass for them an he actually did man that was fuckin classic lol other than that the days been slack as fuck so what more could i ask for? ill tell u what a BLOWJOB! jk :-d well hopefully we all chill tonite, an hopefully i get to play some checkers(inside joke) hehehe ;-) sorry my life aint interesting an sheet lol pzz hoes FUK THE CONFORMISTS!!(jk i was makin fun of goth kids)