------------------GENERAL INFO----------------
* Starting Time: 13:10 PM
* Name On Birth Certificate: Rachel Lynn Whisenhunt
* Nicknames: Rachel Helen, Rachey, The Whiz
* Star sign: Taurus
* School: L. C. Anderson High School
* E-mail address:
greeneyedtomato@gmail.com * Color of eyes: They change colours. Anywhere in the spectrum of blue, green, grey, and hazel
* Hair color: RED
* Shoe size: 11.5 or 12, kiddos.
* Brothers/Sisters: Claire
------------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------
* Missed school because it was raining: If it freezes! [WORD UP ERIN]
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: I've lit my pants on fire.
* Been in a car accident: yes.
* Been hurt emotionally: I am human.
* Kept a secret from everyone: Oui
* Had an imaginary friend: Mine was a penguin named Sir Edmond Cornelius.
* Cried during a Movie: Yes.
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Demetri from Anastasia is SUPER HOT. And Peter Pan.
* Been on stage: Yes
* Been sarcastic: I'm Rachel; yes.
* Shampoo: Dove
* Fav color: Green and Brown.
* Summer/Winter: Fall.
* Fav.Drink: Caramel Fraps, Dr. Pepper.
* Song?: That's a post all it's own.
* Ice Cream?: Cookies and cream maybe, I’m boring.
* Subject: English, Latin, and HAM. I'm a Liberal Arts kid.
* Person(s): Lots. Rebecca, Zehava, Camille, Cydney, Hayly, Sarah, Erin, Caitlin, Marie Límon, and pretty much ever person I know.
* Girls name: Layla, Alison, Laurel, Gywneth
* Boys name: Jude, Seamus, Colin, Isaac, Elijah, Guy
* Chick Movie star: I hate the word chick. Gywenth Paltrow probably.
* Guy Movie star: Ehh... I dunno.
* TV show: Most definately Lost.
---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: My mom's CIT shirt that says "TIMBERLAKE CIT 1975" and "SPRUCE," and jeans
* I'm feeling: A little bored.
* Eating: Nothing
* Drinking: Hot Cocoa
* Thinking about: HOW BLOODY COLD IT IS.
* Talking to: Zehava and Rebecca.
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------------
* Cried: No.
* Met someone new: Yes.
* Cleaned your room: Yes.
* Drove a car: Yes.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------------
* Yourself: Sometimes.
* Santa Claus: HA.
* Tooth Fariy: HA.
* Ghosts: Perhaps.
* Angels: Perhaps.
--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a soul mate: Ehhh.
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
* Do you like anyone?: Somewhat. [NUMBER TWO IN MY CLASS, NUMBER ONE IN MY HEART]
* Who have u known the longest?: Hayly, THIRTEEN YEARS.
* Who's the weirdest: Hayly.
* Who's the shyest?: Sarah?
* Who has seen you cry: Cydney, Zehava, Hayly.
* What is the best feeling in the world: Eating Peanut Butter.
* Worst Feeling: Illness.
-----------------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT-----------------
* Silver or gold: Silver
* Diamond or pearl: Pearl.
* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.
* Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: Yes.
* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No.
* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: Yes.
* Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: Yes.
* Rain, sun or snow? Rain.
* How is the weather right now?: Bright and COLD AS FUCK.
* Do you like Cookies?: If they're soft.
* What makes you happy?: Friends, Weezer, finding shoes that fit, English Peas, My cat.
* Are you too shy to ask someone out?: HA. No..
* What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?: Too many to list.
* Finishing time: 1:29