(no subject)

Jun 26, 2010 04:07

Hello Journal. It's been a few days. I have been off work which means lots of family time and I have been eating like a freaking cow... I was 113 Wednesday morning and after two days off I'm back up to 118. I hope after a couple days of laxative flushing mixed with restriction I'm able to get back to 113 and lose again... I'm having a difficult time hiding my restriction when I'm with my family all day on my days off. I can't say I've already eaten and if I say I don't feel well mom will do the mom thing and drive me crazy... but I took a handful of laxatives a few minutes ago that should work through the night. Between that and restricting I hope to be back to 116 tomorrow evening and back to 113 by Monday evening... 3 days to drop 5 pounds... doable if I can keep my mouth shut. Kaysi is so freaked out that I have an ed... She says I'm just like she was at the start. But I'll never get to 70 like she was. And I'm not going to lose control. I've been in control thus far... I CAN eat, I just choose not to... And besides, 113 at 5'3 is 20.0 bmi... way far away from underweight. I'm glad I get to go back to restricting tomorrow, though... I had my stomach pretty small and eating made it hurt... It's bigger after the past few days, but a couple days of restricting should correct that. I hate being big. I hate being full. Thank God that I don't have to eat at work... Restriction, here I come!! :-)
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