Jul 18, 2009 23:46
i swam from one shore of the river to the other under neath the train bridge. the tracks were so close to the water my head was in between the rails but still underneath the woods, i was fully clothed and determinently escaping something, but i was calm. when i reach the other shore i found my tribe, some were dressed in western type prairie getups mixed with their traditional clothing but most were naked with elaborate bead jewelery feathers and paint. i felt safe and like i belonged but the chief and the medicine man took time to read me and understand me raising my arms looking at my hands and feet and into my eyes, they gave me new clothes to wear and put special mud in my hair and tea to drink. they gave me a back pack and a mission. i swam back across the river and collected rail workers i shrank them by crushing them with my fists it was very easy. i put them in my back pack and swam across the river. the back pack was heavy but eals and fish and gators swam near me giving me strength and guidance making sure i didnt drown. once i got back to my people. i felt like their daughter and they treated me like one, i presented the white men to them. the medicine man made them back to size they where on an alter, a stage like area up steps but not very high for the ground. there were warriors there to assist the old man the chief sat in his chair, mind you this was a very forested area the air was humid and the canopy of greenery provided dense shade, i had traveled during the night this was early morning but the sun was burning bright above the trees. there was a frenzy of orders being shouted and rituals preformed. the medicine man was telling the warriors to preform certain tasks. many of the white men were tied up some being bent backwards and in half until their spines snapped. some were being shown mirrors and being branned or having symbols being painted on their faces and chest, they were being judged and cleansed. some were laying on the ground crying after looking in the mirror and the warriors rubbing their backs in sympathy. after some of the men were dead and other quiet and sitting alone or talking to another tribesperson. i went into a deep sleep and awoke to a giant fire everyone was dancing and i danced too, i was extremely aroused and found a naked girl, most of this was out of focused but we kissed deeply she had large soft breasts that rubbed against mine and her breath was hot, she licked my cunt fist, it was extacy and we were in the fire, then the sun rose. i think these people are my ancestors, i think my spirit had existed among them at one point. in my dream i think they were a ghost that had manifested into flesh for judgment and to exist because they could because their collected energy had survived genocide, microwaved air ways and the vampire vacuum that radiates and resonates in ever modern sole. this one saving grace of a people came back into reality through strength and is now sifting and recycling. cleansing. the second part of the dream i was with a bunch of women in a dining area of some colonial house that was near the other sacred areas. there was a blind women who had came during the night another one who had made the same pilgrimage as i had. my girlfriend from the night before had disappeared. the women was explaining how the white man she had loved (she was a native as well) had died and once he had she no longer had protection from the others in their community, the other men in the area had gang raped her. we, the entire tribe, went to the town she had came from. we came in peace and did not start war there. when we arrived me mad our presence know, she went into the home she abandoned and retrieved some of her belongings, this was not what our trip was for, she didnt need anything from her home, which was a sky scraping apartment tall and thing that was in the middle and connected to hundreds of other apartments. the ground was dry and cracked, this was the dessert everything looked very old western and dusty. everyone who lived in this mammoth apartment complex was out with their shot guns it was quiet except for the wind. nothing was said and we left. we went back into the woods, and they trailed us this was planned. during the night traps were set. white men were caught and tracked and killed, skinned alive. that was the end, i never took part of the killing, everything was a little more jumbled than this i know i crossed the river a couple more times again with other girls, everything went on for a long time like i lived another life for a night or i was re living memories. maybe i was transported last night and this happened in another realm