Dec 16, 2004 16:33
Wednsday was good but yet it was sad. in school i was talking to justin and he was talking to this other chick and she looked and me ad said i wouldnt hang out with him and i asked why and she said becuz justin told her he was more important than her then he looked at me and she well in my eyes shes more important then me i wanted to kiss me lol then he walked me to us history and told me that he got suspended and wouldnt see me until monday so that upset me but yea then later i went to kelcs and we got along and im glad cuz i missed her so much but i didnt know how to tell her that i guess i was being stubborn lol
Today was great even i didnt do much yet... lets see i went out to lunch like i usally do and in geography kyle out kyle loves you in my planner that made me smile and also made my day so yea thats about it and i probaly wont be able to update this thing until tuesday cuz im at my mommys ( oo joy)
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Amanda Joy