a list of 101 things that annoy or displease me

May 12, 2007 19:02

Every day, there are things that annoy or displease me. But do you know what annoys or displeases me the most? Not making a list of all those things! So I made a list! Of all those things that annoy or displease me! All one hundred and one of them!

Without futher ado, here is a list of 101 things that annoy or displease me.

1. The use of cutlery to eat pizza
2. Mobile phones being utilised as boomboxes
3. The very concept of carob
4. Chewing gum
5. Tattoos
6. Skydiving
7. Public groping
8. Misuse of the term "ironic"
9. Mysterious stains on library books
10. Greedo shooting first
11. People eating with their mouths open
12. The smell of stale laundry
13. Stinging nettles
14. People taking reading material into public restrooms
15. Unnecessarily loud people
16. Anyone taking a shower lasting longer than fifteen minutes
17. Lollygagging
18. "Scene selection" listed as a DVD bonus feature
19. Sepia tone on digital photos
20. The rise of the bourgeoisie
21. Unexplained train delays
22. Unexplained trains
23. Taxation without representation
24. Internet slang anywhere other than the internet
25. Unclean glasses
26. The onset of darkness at 5PM
27. Mothra attack
28. Ponytails on men
29. Men on ponies
30. The smell of rotting seaweed
31. Revolving doors
32. People taking up an empty seat on the train with their bag
33. Screaming children
34. Screaming adults
35. Snakes on any form of public transport
36. Drunk people when sober
37. Drunk people when drunk
38. Steep inclines
39. Peas in any form other than frozen
40. Christmas in November
41. The smell of dry cleaners
42. People who say "Pleasure doing business with you" when collecting rent in Monopoly
43. Expensive concert tickets
44. Recycled air on planes
45. Uncertainty in clothing choice caused by unpredictable weather
46. Anyone taking a shower more than once a day
47. Trapping fingers in doorframes
48. Radio waves
49. Background chatter
50. Tom Clancy
51. Bawdy limericks
52. Anything described as "fun size"
53. Having to re-purchase something on DVD already owned on VHS
54. Backchat and/or sassmouth
55. Shoelaces that untie themselves
56. Any two members of The Osmonds
57. Dry towels on recently cut fingernails
58. The many confusing guises of the platypus
59. People asking "Has the bus come yet?" when standing at the bus stop
60. Sweetcorn
61. Pebble beaches
62. Goths
63. Anyone under the height of six feet complaining about leg room
64. Complete disregard for the laws of physics
65. Sticky floors in cinemas
66. The inability to finish anything by James Joyce
67. French mustard
68. Dead legs
69. Bi-annual visits to the osteopath
70. Suspicious mimes
71. Anything with more than four legs
72. Anything with less than two legs
73. That fine rain that soaks you through
74. The lack of a decent vehicle for both Randy and Dennis Quaid
75. Electric shocks from metal door handles
76. Hiccups
77. Power cuts
77. Unnecessarily large people
78. Hard chargers
79. People that cough around smokers to make a point
80. Being sssh'd
81. Dandruff
81. Limited-time offers
82. Generic sticky tape
83. Time being the fourth dimension
84. Acute viral nasopharyngitis
85. Falling down one or more stairs
86. Amorous canines
87. Forced laughter
88. The man
89. Broad beans
90. The singer from The Feeling's face
91. Wasps
92. The relentless cooing of woodpigeons at four in the morning
93. Brain freeze
94. Waiting for an ice cream van that never comes
95. Greasy fingerprints on glass
96. Wire coathangers
97. Sideburns
98. Post-nap nausea
99. Tea made with water boiled more than once
100. The inability to control the tides
101. Socks in any colour other than black

Man, it feels good to get that off my chest!

random, list

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