So, an update about my thumb. Because that is what my life is reduced to these days.
It's been going okay really. The night after it happened it bled super heavily. I had it rebandaged on Wednesday, and was told I didn't have to keep it elevated any more. I ignored that advice, because I am paranoid. Today I had it rebandaged again, and it's clearing up well!
Here's a photo.
Seriously NSFW, or if you're squeamish at all. The black stuff is granulated skin, it's just growing where it can. The red stuff is where the blood was coming from, but a few layers of skin appear to be growing. To balance out the grossness of that photo, here are some
pretty swans I got a snap of on my way home, past the canal.
I have to keep care not to knock it, but it's going to be okay. Three to four weeks, and I should be sorted. Chances are there'll be a slight indent on the edge, but nothing too concerning. Yay!
In other news, I went to watch Saw III with
bewildered_muse. Good lord, was it gross. If you liked the other two, you'll probably dig it. I haven't really made my mind up about it. Something I have made my mind up about are tuna melts. Man, those things are awesome.