I can hardly believe it has been a month since my last update! Well, I have definitely had some truly busy times, so no wonder time has passed me by so quickly...
I have now been in Gothenburg, Sweden, for over two weeks, but in a few hours it will be time for me to flight back to Italy. I came here not as a tourist, but as a would-be expat and I have spent most of my time here looking for an apartment... which I have now miraculously managed to find (it is very, very hard to find housing here, as the demand is quite a bit bigger than the offer!)!!! Last week I finally signed the contract and yesterday I went to pick up the keys, so it is all true now: I am moving back too my beloved Sweden at last!! It still feels totally unreal, though...
But yeah, in less than a month I will be back here, hopefully ready to start my new, Swedish life. My apartment contract is for six months, to begin with, then there is a chance to prologue it or if not I will have to find another place, as I definitely do not want to return to Italy at the end of my lease! But six months should be enough time for me to settle in, find a job and figure out the housing issue... I en hope so, at least!!
As happy as I am about moving here, there are also some saddening factors involved... The main one is that I am moving here alone and I can't even really understand that, yet... :( It is surely going to be quite tough... But at the moment it is not something I can truly grasp, especially thinking that next week me and Corvus will actually leave for Germany together, as is nothing were bound to happen between us (or almost so)! It will suck so badly having to separate!!! :( But I am trying not to think of that now, as silly as it may sound...
Apart for looking at apartments, I have also had a good time here, meeting up with friends and making new ones, having yummy veggie food, attending a gig, going for walks and shopping! ;)
The weather has often been excellent and my weeks here have been quite pleasant, despite the apartment-related stress!
But now it is time for me to concentrate on Wgt in Leipzig and on having a good time there! I will have to face some crazy times after the festival for sure, but one step at the time, right?! ;)
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