More on this later, but a short update:

Jun 19, 2008 09:56

Originally uploaded by ivyravenwolf I thrashed myself pretty well coming out of weir hot spings this morning. (Yes, it hurt. A lot. But I seem to be able to say that about a LOT of the pictures that are taken of me...?)

So I came home and had breakfast: Toast and two Lortabs. It feels like my face has been forcibly caved in. Interesting, but not really much fun. At least now I have some awesome scars. Just what I need on my face/thigh/hands/shins/brain.

Seriously though? Weir HS was fucking amazing. Other than the stupid jock gaydogs we had to put up with for about an hour, we had the whole place to ourselves. Suffice to say I would like to make several return trips. Perhaps when the water isn't at such a ridiculously high level so that ALL of the trail is navigable, even at night. (Probably mistake #1 for me, doing this all in the dark with a shitty flashlight and too much gear.)

I'm still trying to get over the impossibly hilarious event of Ned seeing this (probably) 2-day-old baby deer and saying "Wow, what a cutiepants!" LOLZ. if you know Ned you know how hilarious he can be about any situation. But this was just downright unexpected.

I'm going to go back to bed. I've had 5 hours of sleep in the last two days, and while I might have had some fucking awesome times, I do need to recharge zee battrees. Adios!
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