Feb 18, 2009 00:10
I've decided to join the Peace Corps, and my family is being very supportive, which I really appreciate. Having a secure plan for the next few years has taken a lot of stress off, and I'm still planning to take the GREs so that I have the scores ready when I want to apply to grad school upon my return. I'm as prepared now as I'll ever be.
In other news, I have a terrible case of senioritis. All I want to do is enjoy life and spend time with the people I care about. I'm getting my work done, but I can't motivate myself to care about the material the way I used to. However, I'm surprisingly okay with this because I think I've made good use of my resources and opportunities to date, and friendships are more time sensitive than information. I could be preserving a healthier balance, I suppose, but you're only young once. :)
I'm so grateful for my friends. They love and appreciate me, even when I'm crazy, and are always there when I need them. I have my group of "girls", my choir friends, my freshman friends, my "relatives," my teachers in every capacity, my VaLenTimeS, sweetchx, and the platonic love of my life to date. I don't know where I'd be without any of these people.
And then there's my family, without whom I would be "lost as a snowflake in the sea." They are, undoubtedly, my greatest blessing. Music is second. I don't understand how people without artistic souls can express themselves at all.
In keeping with that theme, Contact Improvisation is a very cool thing. I never really thought about sharing energy or my relationship to gravity before, and it's surprisingly easy to get into the zone and just trust other people with my touch and weight, especially considering how body conscious I am. It's a really awesome art form, and my instructor just makes it better. Not only is she really good at explaining the techniques, but she's also totally content with her place in the universe, which kind of contagious.
I'm going to see a friend at Georgetown this weekend- he's studying law, so clever- and then next weekend I'm going back to DC for an EMT conference, and then shooting back up here for senior dinner...not sure what I'm going to wear... and the weekend after THAT is spring break, during which concert choir is going to France. I'm super excited, but should probably whip out the Muzzy since it's been so long since I did any legitimate work in French, despite having it as a secondary emphasis. If tour is in Brazil next year, with Etown and Lycoming Choirs and Cicero Alves, who is my third favorite Brazilian EVER, I'm definitely using one of my Peace Corps vacation weeks to beebop over there and sing with them. (Then sweetchx and I can make bee-you-tee-ful myusic together, and I can be with my JC loves again.)
It amazes me that I've gotten to this point in my life already. I know there's still a lot out there to see and experience, and I haven't been truly independent yet, but I feel like I've lived such a full life already that if anything else happens, I'm almost not emotionally equipped to handle it. I wish I could bottle up my happiness and distribute it to others as needed because I nearly feel guilty about the surplus. Sure, I've made some mistakes and have a few regrets, but I've definitely learned from them and appreciate other things more because of the contrast. I thought that I would be devastated to leave Juniata, and in a way I will be, but I've changed and grown so much- I think I'm ready to start making a difference in a meaningful way. I'm glad I have a few months left to enjoy and prepare myself for big changes, but when the time comes, I think I'm going to be ready to face the world.
I'm deeply grateful to everyone who has helped me and loved me along the way. Because of them, I'm ready to get this party started.