Dec 01, 2003 16:53
School was interesting as usual. I got to school and saw Shellie so we walked together to the lockers. I started telling her about Daddy Day Care and the extra on the dvd, "Early Bloomer". That is some funny stuff. We went to math and had a super easy worksheet so we talked. I went on about the old rude people at Borders. I shall tell you all. Well..I went to Borders (a local bookstore) and I was sitting on a comfy chair and there were some elderly ladies eyeing my seat. Well after about 10 minutes I got hungry so I asked my dad if I could have some money to buy a snack. He said go to mom because he gave his money to her. I, remembering the ladies eyeing my seat, put my magazine half on the chair and half on the table, hoping that would show I was coming back and I said (loudly) I'm coming back Dad. So I go, find my mom, get money and come back. Theres the lady in MY seat. So I walk to the chair and grab my stuff. Normally a person would ask Oh! Is this your seat? But NOO! She didnt even look up from her magazine. So I go sit on the floor to read. I see some other elderly ladies looking at me and then to her. So I read and then my dad, my brother and I go get some seats in the cafe to eat. RIGHT AWAY THERE IS A STAMPEDE TO THE CHAIR! So my dad and I are just cracking up. After awhile the person gets up and then theres a lady eyeing the seat. Next to the seat is a bunch of magazines so she goes there and tidies up the place and rearranges the furniture so she has the comfy chair. And then later on I kept getting cut off by elderly ladies. My goodness. Anyways the end of my lovely story. Well then it was VERY cold in science. We got our tests back and I got a 33/34 on it. WHOOP! Break was fun. I started dancing in the mud and we started singing and pulling eachothers backpacks. Then we had p.e. I really hurt my knees bad. Omg today my ankles and knees hurt so bad. The good thing is is that I have to get out of some parts of weight lifting in pe but the bad thing is are those are the things I'm good at. Such as jumproping and plyo boxes. History was fun as usual. Then we had lunch and I started dancing in a bunch of leaves. No one would join me. I need to get funner friends. I devised a plan to distract Laura while Nichole runs away with Lauras cheezits. We got chased to the other side of the black top thing. Then I hung out with Astro and Shellie and we had some fun with oranges. I kept trying to put the orange on my nose and try to flip it up and eat it like a dog. I didnt catch one. Sniff. English was SUPER boring, but luckily we wasted one period starting a movie, The Ten Little Indians. Last night...omg. I went to bed at 10 something and I couldnt get to sleep. I kept having the urge to laugh. So at 11 I was laughing insanely and I woke up extra tired this morning. Anyways...that pretty much was my day. OH! Nichole called me and said she called Zack and asked him out. Apparently he said yes but Laura and I dont believe her...but you never know...I shall have to ask him in art tomorrow. I mentioned that the dance was on Friday and she was like IVY! SHUT UP! He doesnt even go to the dances....I wish he did though. And I said I didnt mean the dance. You know that other thing on Friday. She was like What thing? And I said quicky OH NEVER MIND. And she kept asking and I kept saying never mind then she got really mad so I said I was joking. She didnt believe me but then I swor.e on my animals life and I guess she believed me. Then Laura called and we were just laughing and Laura wanted to call Nichole and mention "the other thing". Haha Nichole got SO mad. We blamed it on Chanel and said Chanel told us too. Haha we're so bad. Anyhoo I had quite the smashing day. Ugh I have LOADS of homework but I'm procrastinating as usual. Comment. Ciao. I've always wanted to say that. Ciao. layout isnt finished yet, the icon isnt done yet and I still dont know what to put for the comment things. SO please bear with the lame comment name things. Ciao again. MUAHAHA!