Come on...reach up in that sky for the HO-zone layer

May 26, 2004 20:21


x I _____ Ivy.
x Ivy is ____.
x If I were alone in a room with Ivy I would _____ and then________ Ivy.
x I think Ivy should _____.
x Ivy needs _____.
x I want to ____ Ivy.
x Ivy can ____ my ____.
x Someday Ivy will _____.
x Ivy reminds me of _____.
x Without Ivy_____.
x Ivy can be _____.
x _____ is how I describe meeting Ivy.
x Worst thing about Ivy is _____.
x Best thing about Ivy is _____.
x I am ________ Ivy.

I think I stood up too fast
because my head is light
and I don't think I can
think straight anymore

I know you like gravity
make sure I wash my face
and brush my teeth
just hope to spark your memory

The computer lies
it can't show my face
So impersonal

I'll pretend I don't know you're there
I'll just wait for you to say hello

You take your time to respond to me
Seems like you're keeping busy lately

So I'll sign off without saying goodbye
I hope it hurts to watch me go

But enough about me

I hoped for the very best
but now I think I'm in over
my head

TO: Those who like to say how I only complain in here...
    Maybe that is all that I do in here (uhm, but its not…so shut it), if you don't like it then that's your problem!...That's why this is my journal. I use it for what I want to. There's nothing else for me to write about anyways, losers! So, bottom line is that, if you don't like that I complain in here, don't friggin come here nerds! Way to complain about me complaining. pah…PPPFFFF!!! <--LAME!!!
    I've done close to nothing or nothing at all with anyone i would want to lately. Really cool. I just don't see anything improving in this department. And for you losers who will say once again "We can't hold your hand and invite you everywhere." You're a whole other story...It's not about that, it's about a friendship which I never got out of you anyways. And for the "you're overreacting" accusers, maybe I do overreact sometimes but I have reasons too. You would just never know cause you either don't know me or don't take the time to. Aside from this, some of my grades have dropped, and it takes me hours to fall asleep every night. No sleep also causes headaches. P.S: andy's writting me a song...and im so dang always make things better my friend, always.
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