The latest...(long post)

Nov 11, 2007 13:25

Happy Veteran's Day. It's been a nice one. We had nice weather for a parade yesterday and followed it down to the big park where they had displays of trucks & equipment from various times in military history. There was also a large display of flags comemorating the loss of the soldiers from each state of the country. It was quite moving. There were also pictures of the servicemen from the Franklin County area that have so far been lost since the start of the Iraqi war. I took the following pics w/my cell phone. It was a grey day too - so the pictures are not as vivid as I had hoped and certainly don't do the site any justice.

I should be working on homework. But, I'm not.
I've reached the point where I have let my Int'l Law class go - I got so behind and it was so stressful trying to keep up that I couldn't even try anymore. I have thought about trying to stay up on my Int'l Economics class but, haven't done a lick of work for about 2 weeks now. I've either been too tired - or have just enjoyed the idea of not having to (or rather just not doing) the work. I have noticed that I have had more energy and have felt more at ease when I wasn't having to deal with the homework. I'm supposed to do my Finals for the Int'l Economics class - doubt I will do very well in those. But, I'm not feeling too bad about it. I need time to figure out how to get healthy and stay healthy.

My Best friend was telling me about Ph levels and how her Aunt works for a whole foods store and was telling her about Ph levels and how she got them all back inline with where they were supposed to be and she felt tons better (she was having symptoms very similar to mine). So, when I was up in the city the other day, I went ahead & picked up a PH testing kit and a small booklet that explains everything. I also picked up a book about chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia and how you can deal with it and ultimately feel better. I really need that - I am only 38 - I don't want to feel like this (or worse) for the rest of my life. Losing weight is going to have to be a big part of it. I want to enhance my diet a bit more. Though it's been tricky when I'm hearing that alot of the fish in the supermarket is from Asia (and most likely polluted)! Man, I wish we still had our health food store here in town. they went out of business a couple of years ago. I found a great store up in Olathe and I know there's also the Merc in Lawrence. I need to get up there and check them out. The bad thing is that stuff is usually more expensive. But, it may be worth it if we're healthier.

I'm also wondering if some of it is from the stuff in our breezeway area. The roof above it has torn apart over the years and water has leaked in through the ceiling and there is mold in several areas. We also have water leaking into the basement whenever it rains. The dirt has eroded away from the window sills and it just collects there and then seeps in. It's a mess. But, we don't own this home. The only thing the landlords have done since we moved in here over 8yrs ago was put carpet (bad idea) in the breezeway and replaced the heating/cooling system (because it died). We've had several hail storms-of which they never had anyone come look @ the roof afterwards. They used to have the HVAC company come out to check the heating/cooling system right before winter and right before summer but they don't do that anymore. They have said that if there is something that needs to be done - we have their permission to just call someone to get it done and bill them. But, that never feels quite right. I am thinking about contacting a contractor to have them come look @ that roof and the basement. We'd like to get the basement set up so we can actually use that space. It would help out so much. (I'm sure I've said that more than a few times here).

This weekend has been mellow. I took Friday off - basically didn't really do much but meet a friend for lunch up in Olathe and stop in at the Whole Foods store. Saturday - Connor went camping with his Scout troop and we went downtown to watch Ivy march with the OMS Band in the parade. We then went to an awesome craft show held at the Middle school - picked up some nice smelling candles and kettle corn and then came home to watch Monty Python's Holy Grail. Today - has been even slower still. Haven't really done much at all but, read the paper, cut out coupons and started marinating some steaks for dinner.

I'm trying to stay calm actually because Wednesday Terry is going in for a colonoscopy. He has been having some issues and they felt that would be the best procedure to do to better take a look at what was going on and fix it. It wouldn't normally be something that would make me nervous but this is the first procedure he's had done since his heart valve replacement. He's having to stop taking his blood thinner for it and that is what is so scary to me. They'll give him shots after the procedure - but,'s a bit nerve wracking. He won't be completely under - they just give him enough meds to be able to get him to move into positions they'll need him in but, otherwise, he will not remember what happened. I'm taking that day off to take him up there and bring him back home to rest. Hopefully, whatever they find will be an easy fix and help him feel better.

I keep looking at the calendar and can't believe that Thanksgiving (and then Christmas barreling at us after that) is right around the corner! We're going to Wichita because that's what my Mom wanted. I am not sure what we'll be doing for Christmas yet. I'd rather not think about it at the moment. I want to work my way into the season - not be shoved into it kicking & screaming.

We've also been contending with the fact that Terry was laid off from his latest job a couple of weeks ago. He's high on the list and it shouldn't be too long before he gets called back up again (or at least we hope). I'm just beginning to wonder about the whole union deal. So far, I've noticed that the union doesn't really do much "watching your back". If a person has a beef w/a particular employer and tries to stand up for themselves, the union goes flaky. I'm sick of it. We can't really budget to buy a house or focus on long term financial goals because we don't know what our true income will be on a given day. We know we have my job - and that's certainly good. But, I would like to see a bit more coming in on a regular basis - if nothing but for savings. We could budget a house pmt on my income - we just wouldn't have a huge house and that's okay. Hell, if we could buy this house - I'd be okay with that. We know all of it's quirks and it's potential and we know the neighbors.  We've had all sorts of ideas of what we'd do with this place - add on to the side, remove the garage where it's at and put in a 2-car workshop in the back - maybe even add a half-story above the house, finish the basement and the bathroom down there so it could be used as a family room - maybe even a teenage bedroom. We also thought today about building a cat-run off the back of the house - essentially it's a full enclosure where the cats can get into from a flap door inset in a window and it takes them outside to play in the grass and the sun while in a safe, fenced in area. We could do that now actually. They'd have a hey-day out there. Especially when we let the chickens roam in the backyard. :-)

Getting the basement done would be great because we've exchanged Ivy's electronic drum set for the real deal so it is LOUD and there is no way to muffle it. If we could get her set up downstairs - that would help tremendously.  I have all sorts of ideas brimming for that place.

Hmm, what else - the kids got their 1st quarter grade awhile back. Ivy is doing awesome! 3.8 GPA! and that was while she was doing Volleyball! She is quite a trooper. Connor is doing well - still trying to find his groove. He's not a great multi-tasker (find me a guy who is). But, he has a drive - he wants to be better and I'm hoping that is half the battle.

Well, I guess that's it for us right now. Hoping this week will be better. :-)


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