Jun 16, 2010 18:27
So the princess finally made it home on saturday after 7 weeks 4days in the hospital. It's been a long road and it's far from over but at least now it looks as though the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train after all. She's doing very well, she's passed her hearing tests and her eye tests up until this point and we're hopeful that she'll continue to do so. She's up to 4lbs 14oz as of saturday, which is a huge gain from her borth weight of 2lbs 12oz. She's one tough little princess, she's survived a difficult, very early birth, two rounds of sepsis and god knows how many apnea/bradycardia spells that required oxygen. She spent 40 hours intubated, 36 hours on CPAP the first time, another 72 hours the second time, but has managed to stay off since she was 3 weeks old. Overall, she scared the bejezus out of us more than once, we almost lost her twice, and now..she's happily waking me twice a night and spending hours snuggling with her very doting daddy. We're lying low for the next few weeks, she has to be exposed to as few people as possible for while so she can build an immune system and not land in the hospital again (crosses fingers). Tuesday we have our first pediatrician's appointment, one of what will be many bi-weekly visits over the next year. She will be making all of the referals that we need, Gastroenterologist for the wicked umbilical hernia that she's developed, an ultrasound to check on the sacral dimple that was noticed a week or two before we came home (which coincidentally was likely what caused my maternal serum screen to come back as high risk) and probably a dermatologist to monitor the hemangioma that she has on her leg. Not that they're concerned about any of the issues, but they're operating on a better safe than sorry principle when it comes to any health problems that could develop over time. She's due for another eye exam in 2 weeks (not looking forward to that in the slightest) and she'll be followed by the audiology department until she's 6. And last but not least she already has a follow up booked with her neonatologist in December. She'll be followed by him until she's at least 2. Sigh..so glad for the little Hello Kitty appointment book that M bought me...seems it's going to be a VERY busy year or two:)
I don't care how busy it is..i'm just so incredibly thankful that she's home and she's healthy and she's where we can be with her all the time and spoil her rotten *GRIN* Her daddy's taking care of that quite handily i must say.
Oops...crying hungry baby....off i go..YAY!