Update - in bits and pieces and point form notes. It's the best my brain can do today.

Dec 07, 2009 08:27

Not a lot going on around here lately. Connor's issues seem to have resolved thank goodness, there's nothing worse than watching your child scream and writhe in oain and not be able to do a damn thing about it. It's absolutely heartbreaking. So, he's back to school today and i'm hoping that he'll make it through the day with no issues.

We managed to get some Christmas shopping done this weekend, almost finished thank gods....i hate shopping in December but it's just the way things worked out this year unfortunately.

I have to run to Bowmanville today to get some bloodwork done, and i have to call and book my ultrasound, hopefully they can fit me in on Friday, i'd like to have M there.

It's my birthday Friday...not sure what plans have been made, if any. i told M to suprise me so we'll see what he has in store. Since Friday is my birthday, and we have no official plans for Saturday, my goal is to get the Christmas stuff up on Saturday. We never decorate until after my birthday.

M is sick again, he spent the weekend with a nasty chest/sinus cold, he's feeling better today, or at least that's what he told me at 4:30 this morning as he was heading off to work. Of course, Murphy's law kicked in and i woke up this morning with a sore throat and a stuffed up head....grumble...never fails. Here's hoping i don't come down with something full force since there's pretty much nothing i can take for it...which sucks.

That's about it for now...as i said, not a lot going on around here really. Everything is in a holding pattern in regards to the move, and we're just focusing on getting ourselves ready for Christmas. M finishes work on the 18th, so he'll be home when the kids are which is nice.
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