Four tests can't be wrong. Tom and I occasionally just look at each other, and say "Baby." He'll be downstairs doing laundry and yell "He Ivory - Baby!" I woke him up last night because I couldn't sleep by poking him in the side and saying "Baby!"
It is so much different this time. When we found out Ella was coming, we were faced with changing our entire lives. Every single one of our priorities had to change, to accommodate each other, and this tiny person who we did not know. This time, it just feels like the natural progression of things. We have a home to welcome baby into. We have a strong family that wants baby without question. We know what birth will be like, and we know the overwhelming love that baby will bring into our lives.
As far as the timing goes, it really is pretty good. I will be 15 weeks along at our wedding, which isn't huge, and as Tom said "Just put on a girdle and strap it in". Nice. We are thinking about waiting until the wedding to tell the family, but that may not be possible if I look
like this . Good thing my dress has an empire waist, and I don't think I will have to let it out at all. .
Then, baby will be born in December, and I have until the following September before I was planning to start grad school. Baby would be close to 10 months old, which, if I decide to go back, isn't too tiny.
Boo for not being able to use the hot tub. Yay for all my pregnancy clothes being the right season. Boo for no coffee. Boo for gestational diabetes. Yay for babies!