Ella and i walked a zillion miles today at the park, and lived to tell the tale. Or rather, to come home, take a nap, upload pictures and eat grilled cheese sandwiches. You know. Same thing.
Ella thought these 'big kids' were awesome and tried to follow them home. I'm sure their mom would of thought that was just dandy.
February 2007Ella was not so interested in these 'big kids' and I frantically started thinking up ways to keep her a baby, because those kids? Still intimidate me. I don't think I can handle having on of my very own.
February 2007 Angie got Ella this penguin for christmas and Ella carries him everywhere. He even
has a song, sung by Davy Jones.
February 2007 Sometimes she abandons him though, and he weeps.
February 2007 Ella started running in the last couple weeks, and never stops.
February 2007And that my dears, is
February 2007