Obama savages McCain's on health care.
I'm just posting to this article because I have a question related to it. I think everyone knows my stance on this issue - that health care is a right, just like education. I also consider myself very lucky to live in Canada.
My question pertains to this comment.
McCain insists his health care plan would generate more competition and drive down costs, and that Obama's plan would deprive voters of their choice of doctor through creating a "vast new bureaucracy" run by the government.
Okay, my question is this: Is there a single, solitary example of a country where the privatization of health care has been successful and meant better health care for the majority of said country's citizens?
Seeing that I can't find one, I don't understand why, after a century of privatized health care not working, people want to keep slugging away at a dead horse and insist it can work, save for clinging to certain philosophical ideals about government and business, many of which are sound in theory but abject failures in practice. At this point, a 'new bureaucracy' is the only alternative to a failing system. And for the record, since I live in a country with universal health care, I should point out that I have complete freedom when it comes to selecting my own doctor (which from what I've read is not the case with so many HMOs.)