Oct 19, 2007 18:26
Huh, 86, really? I have less than sixty years left, OMG, there's so much to do!!!!
Kinda Dorky Nerd. Huh. Well, that makes the sense. It isn't that I try to be the normal, but I've always known I was more of a dork than a nerd.
Only 50? Well, also with the making of the sense. I'm not a nerd. I'm a dork. Nerds are computer oriented and sci-fi obsessed (In the classical definition.) and I am book oriented and fantasy/horror obsessed (Also in the classical definition.) which is more typically dork and less nerd. Yes, I use the computer to write and keep in touch and keep myself from going nuts with bordome, but.... BUT! Big caveat placed HERE. Even with that in place, my nerdiness has never been that of the typical nerd. I hang out with a lot of nerds. MANY, MANY nerds. But I have always known I was not one of them. A black sheep, as it were. Or maybe it's just that I don't really fit into any one slot because, while I work well as a dork and even a quasi nerd, I also have aspects of geek which show up every now and then. (Classical definition of geek includes a more general weirdness surrounding anime and Cons and obsessive tendancies toward the intense fantasy genre which includes but is not exclusive to Tolkien. These poor souls are usually more musically and creatively oriented as well as group oriented, where the classical dork and nerd are knowledge and analytically based creatures that thrive in enclosed spaces with their latest obsessions.)
And as I have just been teased about my desire to define myself in this regard, I am going to end this here.