Jun 11, 2007 09:49
I had alot of fun at my b-day party Saturday night. The potluck idea was a hit. We had potato pies, macaroni pie, shrimp/chicken shish-kabob, zuccini, squash, rice, asparagus, chips, cookies, and tasty blue coconut/Malibu drinks. After we ate I opened gifts. I definately made out like a bandit -my friends know just what I like! ;)
We talked, played a board game I got from Mell & Alex, played some Rummy (I know that's mispelled but I have no clue as to how to spell the Trini version), raved with glow sticks, and worked out our thighs... heh.
Thanks to everyone who came! And thank you Michael for the gift -I'm sorry you couldn't make it!! You were missed!