Save Me From My Old Ways

Aug 31, 2006 14:46

I am not dead, contrary to I'm sure popular belief. I haven't updated since April and yeah thats quite a long time for the online world. Life is as unchanging as per usual. The summer came and went, bumped into some old friends some of which are obviously not my friend anymore. I hate that about people, you're friends with someone for years and they can't have the courage and decency to be honest that hey they don't give a shit about you anymore. If that person actually takes the time to read this they know who they are....and you suck. Sorry I keep thinking I'm an adult but its seems I've slipped back into being 5 :).

Ran into a kind of ex and it was actually really nice seeing him, I hope to keep in touch this time around. Went to Virginia things are different and the same with Ben and I. We'll both be 20 this year, kind of scary if ya ask me. I've had a new job since the summer, and will soon be giving notice. I've been working at Suncoast at the mall, its been okay there just combined with school its not working out so well. Back in school right now and its okay, I'm thinking about changing my what who knows.

Life has basically been the same around here, nothing really different. My parents might be buying a house and some land in Virginia which was kinda cool. Other than that not too much going on. I actually have class in a couple of hours but not much else to update. Hopefully it wont be forever before I update again....I wonder though who if anyone reads this thing anymore. Anyways luv to all, and if I haven't called you in awhile its cuz I've lost you're number so call a new phone and lost all my numbers. Bye for now.

-I love you. In a really big pretend to like your taste in music let you eat the last piece of cheesecake hold a radio over my head outside your window unfortunate way that makes me hate you love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.
-Promise me, Pooh, that you won't forget me ever, because if I thought you would, I wouldn't leave.
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