Meet my dear friend Jack.....

Mar 27, 2005 15:15

Oh my god, forgive me it has been far to long. You all thnk I probably died, at least that is if anyone read this at some point. Lots has not been going on, ha! bet you thought I might actually be updating about something. Was supposed to go to Virginia for spring break but hey it didn't happen, every year I have been able to go but the first year I have a boyfriend to see I of course am unable to grab a flight. Isn't life grand? So I stayed here hiding out in my room, avoiding my parents and trying to talk to Ben but managing to miss out on that. Hung out with my friends for a little bit here and there, had fun. Got to met Jon's significant other very cool girl, very sweet. Had a nice time at the beach and got amazingly drunk. I think I deserved it I mean hell there's only so many times a girl can be forgotten before she needs a drink. So yeah it was a nice evening all in all. Today's easter and I got a nice little gift from my mom, plenty of chocolate to make my dopamine levels soar. Benn having trouble talking to Ben, I keep saying the same thing and he keeps fuckin it up and somehow I feel like the idiot. It's amazing how you can love someone so much and hate them at the same time. Anyway I got my prom dress a while back, its a very pretty shade of blue so yay! I am gonna look fantastic at a dance I don't want to go to. I am sure I will have a great time with Jess, Jon, and Kai. It's just I want Ben here for it, but hey don't always get what we want. I get to make a decision regarding college soon, that will be so much fun. No one is gonna be happy about that when I break the news, its impossible to please everyone and I am so tired of the guilt trips when I dont give them the answers they want. I will end up giving up what I want, its how it generally works but whatever. But you know what this time I am actually gonna fight it and try to get my way, so wish me luck! I have been applying like crazy for scholarships, hopefully I will get some money, I only need like an extra 14,000 per year and I am set woohoo!!! I am looking for a job right now, I am slowly going broke. I do have some good news, watched stargate sg-1 the other night, it was the season finale. It was awesome, god I had so missed that show its so great. Saw previews for next seasons episodes, seems my other favorite show is joining this one, go John Crithon!!! He will be joining the show!! I know I am such a nerd but I make up for it in looks and charm :) Anyways love to all, hope to see everyone soon. School does start tomorrow!
-"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is yours."
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